Dan Thurmon News & Updates
Recent Updates

July 07, 2020

Becoming a Better Balancer

“Achieving balance” sounds like a worthwhile ambition. And yet, that goal may be setting you up for disappointment and missed opportunities. Balance isn’t what you get, it’s...
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April 21, 2020

Some Certainty

If the uncertain future has you perplexed, this week’s video will help you to find your footing. WATCH THE VIDEO LISTEN TO THE...
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April 14, 2020


Have these recent weeks caused you to question the “essential” nature of your job … or your life? This week’s video delivers an essential lesson that will bring clarity, and...
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March 24, 2020

Certainty Now

If you’re in need of some certainty during this crazy time, please watch this two minute video. WATCH THE VIDEO. LISTEN TO THE...
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March 17, 2020

Fear Factors

When fear is in the air, how do you choose to respond? This week's video respectfully suggests an alternative focus to help you transcend fear, act with confidence, and...
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March 10, 2020

Empathy Keys

What one ability can elevate nearly every human interaction? This week’s video, from Jerusalem, will help you connect with people in ways that are sincere and powerful. WATCH...
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March 03, 2020

Everything Counts

If "losing" wasn't possible, how would you choose to live? This short video will help you see how much closer you really are to success. WATCH THE VIDEO.   LISTEN...
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February 25, 2020

Stretch Effect

Are you tense, sore, or simply “stuck?” It might be time to stretch. This week’s video will help you increase your flexibility and improve how you feel and think! WATCH THE...
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February 18, 2020

Worry Later

Does worry help, or prevent you from doing what is needed? This week's video provides a sure-fire strategy to help you transform anxiety into action. WATCH THE VIDEO. ...
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February 11, 2020

Quick Change Artistry

Can you change quickly, or does it take awhile? The answer isn’t simple, but understanding the process can enable quicker and more lasting transformation. WATCH THE VIDEO. ...
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February 04, 2020

3 Tracks for Change

Are you on the right track? This week’s video will help you evaluate and adjust your direction for greater joy and satisfaction. WATCH THE VIDEO. LISTEN TO THE...
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January 28, 2020

Approaching the Impossible

How do you approach seemingly impossible challenges? This week’s video provides four ways to turn overwhelm into confidence, right from the start. WATCH THE VIDEO. ...
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Total Pages: 20