Beverly Kaye | Career Development, Engagement, and Retention Professional

Beverly Kaye

Career Development, Engagement, and Retention Professional

Beverly Kaye

Dr. Beverly Kaye is recognized internationally as one of the most knowledgeable and practical professionals in the areas of career development, employee engagement and retention. Her contribution to the field of engagement and retention includes the Wall Street Journal bestseller, Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em: Getting Good People to Stay, which is now in its 6th edition. Her recent books in the career development field include Up is Not the Only Way and Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go, which provided overwhelmed managers with a way to blend career conversations into their everyday routine. In 2018, ATD honors Beverly Kaye with their Lifetime Achievement Award recognizing her advanced knowledge and extensive practice across the talent development field.” In 2018, ISA awards Dr. Kaye their Thought Leadership Award for her body of work in the support of work-related learning and performance. In 2019, IMS awards Dr. Beverly Kaye with their Lifetime Achievement Award for her contributions to the field of career development and employee engagement. In 2019, Best Practice Institute awards Beverly Kaye with the Lifetime Achievement Award based on her significant contributions as a founder of the field of career development. In 2022, i4CP awards Beverly Kaye their 2022 Industry Legend Award in appreciation of her outstanding contributions and commitment to the field of human resources and leadership.

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Beverly Kaye
Featured Books

Love 'Em or Lose 'Em, Sixth Edition: Getting Good People to Stayby Beverly Kaye

Love 'Em or Lose 'Em, Sixth Edition: Getting Good People to Stay

by Beverly Kaye

This sixth edition of the number one bestselling employee retention book in the world (over 800,000 copies sold) puts a new emphasis on diversity and inclusion but keeps the same appealing format: twenty-six simple strategies from A to Z.

Despite booms and busts, technology advances, talent wars, layoffs, and even a global pandemic, people want what they’ve always wanted. Employees want—and now expect—meaningful work, supportive bosses, regular recognition, and a chance to learn and grow. And managers want their amazing people to stay—for at least a little while longer. For two decades, this Wall Street Journal bestseller—over 800,000 sold—has offered twenty-six simple strategies, from A to Z, that managers can use to address their employees’ real concerns and keep them engaged. 

The authors have gone over every word of the previous edition, revising, updating, and streamlining. This edition includes a timely focus on diversity and inclusion in every chapter. For example, chapter 6 focuses on family. Different cultures view family responsibilities differently, so the authors address how to take that into consideration when a treasured employee asks for extended leave to care for a grandparent. And a new section called “Conversations That Count” offers discussion questions for sparking deeper conversation around the topics in the book. 

This new edition will ensure that Love ’Em or Lose ’Em will continue to help managers all over the world create a supportive workplace cultureso they can fight burnout and keep the people they can least afford to lose.

Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go: Career Conversations Organizations Need and Employees Wantby Beverly Kaye

Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go: Career Conversations Organizations Need and Employees Want

by Beverly Kaye

The new edition of the bestselling employee development classic includes advice on engagement and retention in today's more flexible employment environment and a new chapter on creating a career development culture in your organization.

Study after study confirms that career development is the single most powerful tool managers have for driving retention, engagement, productivity, and results. But most managers feel they just don't have time for it. This book offers a better way: frequent, short conversations with employees about themselves, their goals, and the business that can be integrated seamlessly into the normal course of business.

Beverly Kaye and Julie Winkle Giulioni identify three broad types of conversations that will increase employees' awareness of their strengths, weaknesses, and interests; point out where their organization and their industry are headed; and help them pull all of that together to create forward momentum. And the new chapter includes an assessment so you can measure how well your current culture supports development--and how to improve it.

Hello Stay Interviews, Goodbye Talent Loss: A Manager's Playbookby Beverly Kaye

Hello Stay Interviews, Goodbye Talent Loss: A Manager's Playbook

by Beverly Kaye

You can’t afford to lose them. They’re your stars and your solid citizens. You wonder if they’re happy in your organization—and what might keep them there. To find out, you could:
A. Conduct a survey—then try to guess who said what.
B. Take note of their latest tattoos. Is your company logo among them?
C. Ask, “What will keep you here?”

The correct answer is C. It’s the opening line of a great stay interview, and it could make the difference between keeping and losing your best people.

Worried that your talented people will want things you can’t deliver, like more money or a big promotion? Beverly Kaye and Sharon Jordan-Evans have a simple four-step process for dealing with that. Not sure how to get started? They provide dozens of suggested questions and icebreakers. Think you don’t have time? They offer all kinds of creative time-saving options for where, when, and how you can do stay interviews.

Up Is Not the Only Way: Rethinking Career Mobilityby Beverly Kaye

Up Is Not the Only Way: Rethinking Career Mobility

by Beverly Kaye

Up Was Never for Everyone!

Move up or move out. When those two options appear to be the only ones, dissatisfaction grows and engagement suffers. In decades of studying careers around the globe, Beverly Kaye, Lindy Williams, and Lynn Cowart have found that, in fact, there are more options. And rethinking career mobility can lead you to them!

The authors show how managers, coaches, and employees can partner to determine what’s best and what’s next. Keep the same job but discover new ways to learn and grow? Explore moving to a position that could be a better fit? Step back without getting derailed? This book encourages readers to take a “kaleidoscope” view—to be open to ever-shifting patterns of opportunities and possibilities—so they can create a unique, personalized path to a truly rewarding career.

Love It, Don't Leave It: 26 Ways to Get What You Want at Workby Beverly Kaye

Love It, Don't Leave It: 26 Ways to Get What You Want at Work

by Beverly Kaye

How long has it been since you’ve said that about your work?

What are you waiting for?
Your organization to care?
Your boss to go?
Your colleague to stop being a jerk?
Someone to hand you an exciting new assignment?
More money?

This book is the antidote to waiting. Return to it again and again. Dog-ear the pages and highlight ideas that hit home. Sometimes you have to go, but often you don’t. Love It, Don’t Leave It will teach you how to get satisfaction from your work …….right where you are … now.

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