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February 24, 2020

When an Employee Has Personal Issues at Home, Focus on the Work

When it comes to managing attitude or personalities at work, the advice I always give is not to let it be a personal matter. Rather, make it all about the work and your working...
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February 24, 2020

The Best Flight I Ever MISSED

"We get so wrapped up in numbers in our society. The most important thing is that we are able to be one-to-one, you and I with each other at the moment. If we can be present to...
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February 24, 2020

Live Inspired Podcast: How a Listener is Healing Her Heart (Monday Moments ep. 231)

On this week’s Live Inspired Podcast Monday Moment segment, John O’Leary shares a Live Inspired community member’s story. Join me every Monday for a quick burst of inspiration...
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February 23, 2020

Can You Forgive Someone That Hurt You

It may come as a surprise to you, but most times, I don’t feel like forgiving. There have been a few horrible hurts, like the abuse inflicted on my children, that I’ve...
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February 23, 2020

If You Want Growth, Your Company Must Have These Three Non-Traditional Roles

From the local barbershop to the giant, multinational corporation, businesses of all shapes and sizes desperately want one thing: growth. Regardless of industry, geography, or...
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February 19, 2020

Anticipation: Foresee Disruption and Find Opportunity

An integral part of anticipation and becoming anticipatory in your organization oftentimes has to do with catching an opportunity that everyone is either missing or perhaps even...
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February 18, 2020

Lead First!

Over eight years behind the scenes at the White House I learned many lessons from President Clinton himself as well as the actual house in which we all worked and treasured. It...
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February 18, 2020

Worry Later

Does worry help, or prevent you from doing what is needed? This week's video provides a sure-fire strategy to help you transform anxiety into action. WATCH THE VIDEO. ...
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February 17, 2020

Did You Forget?

Several years ago I was talking about "leading with love" to a group of business owners and their families and half of the room had no idea what I'm saying.Thankfully, we're in...
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February 17, 2020

Live Inspired Podcast: Random Acts of Kindness (Monday Moments ep. 229)

On this week’s Live Inspired Podcast Monday Moment segment, John O’Leary celebrates Random Acts of Kindness Day and challenges you to do the same.Join me every Monday for a...
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February 16, 2020

The Importance of Forgiveness In Relationships

In relationships, but especially a marriage, forgiveness is necessary regularly. There are little annoyances and big grievances that we have a choice to forgive every day....
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February 16, 2020

7 Surprising Things That Ultra-Successful People Don't Do

There's been plenty written about the habits of highly successful people. They set goals and they follow through. They learn and listen. We get it. But what do the most...
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Total Pages: 343