Harry Broadman | Former US Assistant Trade Representative; Chief of Staff, President’s Council of Economic Advisers; Senior Managing Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers; Private Equity Executive; World Bank Official, and Harvard Professor.

Harry Broadman

Former US Assistant Trade Representative; Chief of Staff, President’s Council of Economic Advisers; Senior Managing Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers; Private Equity Executive; World Bank Official, and Harvard Professor.

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Harry Broadman

At the vanguard of his generation 38 years ago, Harry Broadman began a career focused on investment opportunities and risks in emerging markets. Today, he’s globally known as a venerable practitioner of the design and execution of novel ‘first-mover’ strategies in such markets to achieve rapid business growth and rigorous risk-mitigation—strategies that focus on building durable cross-border trade and investment transactions, potent strategic partnerships, agile supply chains, robust corporate governance, tough financial compliance and anti-corruption controls, and incentives for sustained innovation. “unlike others, goes way below 50,000 ft’’ “humorous”..“passionate”..”timely” “confident-inspiring”..“accessible” “committed”..“entertaining”..“great Q&A” Press Appearances and Interviews Author of pioneering book on China’s and India’s investment in Africa Monthly columnist for: Re-inventing himself multiple times across greatly differentiated senior roles in the private sector as a CEO, private equity investor, expert witness, management consultant and board director—interspersed with stints as a high-level White House trade negotiator and economic official and Senate committee professional staff member—he emerged as an authority on the fundamental drivers of the transformation world markets experienced (and continue to do so) long before the term "globalization" was ever uttered. Harry has worked on the ground in more than 85 emerging markets across 5 continents, including China, India and the rest of Asia; much of Latin America; Russia and the Former Soviet Union; Eastern & Central Europe; the Balkans and Turkey; most of Africa; and much of the Middle East. He’s advised entities such as IBM, Coke, CEMEX, Canon, Exxon, TPG, Valmet, KIA, ITW, Carlyle, PPG, Corning, Heineken, Merck, Mahindra, Walmart, Deere, Mars, Avon, Canadian Pension Bd, Intel, GE, Future Fund, ADIA, ICANN, Temasek, Berkshire Hathaway, McCormick, SunEdison, Westinghouse, Dow, Siemens, Standard Chartered, Microsoft, Apollo, Tyco, Caterpillar, Nike, Pfizer, Hilton, Blackstone, Jaguar As a speaker, Harry brings to audiences a unique combination of fundamentally insightful views and operational lessons about the ways is which market and policy dynamics will impact C-suites, boards, managers and workers as well as suppliers and customers, and how they’ll alter business fortunes. Harry has the rare ability to frame such effects from a genuinely prospective vantage point rather than conventional rear-view mirror extrapolations, and through a prism incorporating intrinsic non-linearities of market changes. And, all done in a highly entertaining mode, infused with his infectious sense of humor.

Harry Broadman
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Current: Trade, Tariffs and Tumult

Time 08:08

More Videos From Harry Broadman

Trade, Tariffs and Tumult
Time 08:08
China's Rising Influence
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Balancing Opportunities and Risks in Overseas Investment
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Global Investment, Supply Chains, and Profound Uncertainty
Time 02:41

Harry Broadman
Featured Keynote Programs

Where is The Growth in the World Economy?

The recent global financial crisis and the on-going softness in much of the advanced countries--the EU, Japan and the US--have shaken businesses', investors' and policy-makers' perceptions and confidence of a return to historic levels of stable growth. The fact that many emerging markets have been growing at annual rates 2- to 3-times those of the industrialized economies over the past two decades appears to confirm that the world marketplace is actually undergoing a structural transformation. What are the fundamental sources of these phenomena? Is this a one-time change, owning to a longer than normal business cycle that has yet to run its full course, or is it part of a long-term secular change? What new risks and opportunities are presented? Broadman's on-the-ground insights about the genesis and implications of these shifts--and his surprising bullish view--will alter how audiences think about the future of the US and the world economies and will most likely shape the prospective decisions they make.

Are You Ready for the New Global Corporate Rivals?

The traditional international business landscape characterized by firms headquartered in the advanced countries facing the most intense competition from rivals from other advanced countries is quickly becoming a historical artifact. As these businesses scour the global for high growth market opportunities, they are being drawn to the emerging markets, where economies, on average, have been expanding twice or three times as fast as the advanced countries. But it's not just advanced country businesses who are pondering investment in emerging markets. Multinationals out of Brazil, China, India, and South Africa--among many others--are themselves setting up operations across their own geographies. They, too, recognize growth opportunities when they see them. This is only intensifying the competition advanced country businesses are already facing in these markets. Worse still, at the same time, multinational firms based in emerging markets are increasingly becoming bona fide contenders for market share in developed markets--posing a whole new set of competitive threats in the home markets of advanced country firms. These two changes are taking place at an accelerated pace, far more than the most sophisticated investors and businesses realize. What does this transformation of competition in the global marketplace mean for business strategy and operations of advanced country multinationals? How should they best confront a host of new risks and opportunities as they aim to compete not only with their longtime rivals from developed countries but also with increasingly world-class emerging market firms? Broadman has enormous on-the-ground expertise on these issues, both as a multinational business executive as well as an advisor to the c-suite of many such businesses, not only in advanced countries but also in numerous emerging markets. He has also counseled many governments on innovative approaches to enhancing their inbound and outbound foreign investment policy regimes, reforming corporate governance regulations and incentives, and designing and executing competition and antitrust laws. Drawing on this wealth of practitioner knowledge, Broadman provides a lively tour of the most critical, emergent factors that will shape the competitive landscape of the world's marketplace in the coming decade, including new patterns of consumer behavior, changes in the locus of entrepreneurship and innovation, modification of the role of the state in the economy, and the impact of network trade and on the organization of the multinational corporate form. Broadman's insights will alter the way audiences think about the future of international business competition and likely make market-related decisions as globalization continues to intensify.

Understanding US Trade Policy
Past, Present and Future

To most Americans negotiating and implementing international trade policy agreements is an enigma, which often breeds suspicion if not contempt for the process. The recent standoff in Washington over President Obama's effort to obtain legislative authorization from Capitol Hill for the Executive Branch to finalize negotiations with 11 countries under the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is just the most recent case in point. Yet much is at stake for millions of US businesses, workers and consumers now that international trade accounts for 30% of the US economy, in contrast to 20% in 1990. Demystifying the policy-making process, the institutions, the politics, and the interrelationships among the stakeholders, both within the US and our trading partners abroad, is essential to gain a better understanding of what are the benefits as well as the costs of various trade initiatives--past, present, and perspective. With the overwhelming majority of the world's customers located outside the U.S.--if not outside most advanced countries--trade is hardly only important to large businesses: small and medium-sized companies need to develop a strong understanding of international trade rules and opportunities in order to succeed in a global marketplace. How is trade policy actually developed in the U.S.? Who are the key parties that influence how those decisions are crafted? How likely will a change in presidential administration engender a shift in the stance of U.S. trade policy in such a way that there could be profound impacts on companies, workers, and consumers--not just in the US but throughout the world. What are the indicators to look for when trying to determine which direction trade policy is headed--particularly with a change of administrations in 2017? As a former senior-level trade negotiator in both the Bush (41) and Clinton White Houses, as well as a drafter of key trade legislation while a senior staff member in the Senate, Broadman shares, in a lively and illustrative manner, a ring-side seat overview of the decision-making process in Washington behind recent trade policy initiatives, including the negotiation of the NAFTA and the WTO. He also highlights likely trade challenges in the future, for example, with respect to China and other major trading powers. Broadman offers his insights on effective ways to take advantage (and avoid the pitfalls) of trade agreements as businesses operate abroad. In addition, he shares lessons he's learned about how to negotiate with foreign parties, especially those with significantly different cultural norms than ours.

Do Corporate Social Responsibility Programs Payoff?

The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) fabric is fraying. It is not surprising. Increasingly, the intended beneficiaries of traditional CSR programs, especially those in developing countries, are finding the deeds are not matching the words. To be sure, many of the targeted groups are made better off; unfortunately, however, some CSR initiatives have unwittingly ratified status quo ante in-country socio-economic imbalances. Worse still, some programs have actually introduced new distortions, pitting one community against another because of an inequitable allocation of activities and resources. At the same time, major CSR sponsors--often large corporates, banks, and private equity funds investing or operating in these markets--have begun to question the net benefits of such programs to their bottom lines. In fact, as a result of ill-thought out CSR project designs and poor quality of execution, sponsors are facing heightened corruption risks--if not criminal charges owing to (sometimes unknowingly) violations of anti-corruption laws, such as the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)--as well as reputational risks for showing little, if any return, for the money they've spent. In the final analysis, is there just a fundamental incompatibility between the 'profit motive' and CSR objectives? Or can they, in fact, be reconciled? If in the past, traditional CSR initiatives delivered what was intended, what has changed in recent years to upset the balance? Broadman presents a lively diagnosis of the sources of these tensions, punctuated with several real-life examples of what has worked and what has not. He digs down deeply into both the sponsor and beneficiary sides, drawing concrete insights on ways to better align expectations, revamp organizational decision-making and infuse CSR programs with innovative approaches to ensure robust checks and balances and mitigate corruption risks. Sketching out a 'CSR 2.0' paradigm, Broadman will leave an audience energized and with the confidence that 'doing well by doing good' is indeed an attainable goal, now more than ever.

Harry Broadman
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Africa's Silk ROadby Harry Broadman

Africa's Silk ROad

by Harry Broadman

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Harry Broadman
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While Advanced Countries Intensify Protectionism, Africa Embraces Free Trade

The World Trade Organization’s (WTO’s) striking announcement in July that the incidence of trade-restrictive measures imposed by G-20 governments remains at historical...
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U.S. Foreign Investment Policy Gets A Tougher But More Transparent CFIUS

Throughout much of the past century the U.S. was a forceful, if not incessant voice in global fora of the belief that the more liberalized a country’s regulatory regime...
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Corporate Boards' Oversight Of Cyber Risks Is Too Passive

Many corporate boards have made significant progress about understanding the importance of cyber security to the competitive health and sustainability of the companies they...
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