Lisa-Jo Baker | Highly Sought after Women's Ministry Speaker, Bestselling Author of Never Unfriended, Cheerleader and Champion for Women Everywhere

Lisa-Jo Baker

Highly Sought after Women's Ministry Speaker, Bestselling Author of Never Unfriended, Cheerleader and Champion for Women Everywhere

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Baltimore, MD

Lisa-Jo Baker

Lisa-Jo Baker
Featured Videos

Current: Harvest Show TV Interview

Time 10:29

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Harvest Show TV Interview
Time 10:29
LifeWay Women's Leadership Forum
Time 46:48
Mothers Day
Time 35:08

Lisa-Jo Baker
Featured Keynote Programs

Skinny Jeans Friendship vs Sweatpants Friendship

Skinny Jeans friendship is the lie that thinks I can squeeze my friends into my style of friendship; that I can fix them or expect them to fix me and be all things to me and fill me up and never let me down. But that’s impossible for any human being to live up to.

But sweatpants friendship knows what we really need are friendships that leave room to breathe and be ourselves – baggage and all. When we are convinced that our lives bring delight to a God who views us with such an all consuming passion that He would choose to woo us, love us, die for us, sing over us and celebrate us then we are women who can give each other the gift of guilt free, sweatpants friendship.

Never Unfriended

This talk unpacks the heart of Lisa-Jo’s bestselling book - Never Unfriended: The Secret to Finding and Keeping Lasting Friendships. In a world where women can unfriend each other with the swipe of a finger, how do we find friendships that we can trust to last? As the community manager at the website since 2010, Lisa-Jo Baker has had the chance to engage hundreds of conversations with women about friendship. She’s learned that no one can make us quite as unsure about ourselves as another woman. And nothing can wound as deeply as unkind words from a friend. While we are all hungry for friendship, it’s the fear of feeling awkward and being rejected, left out, or hurt (again) that often keep us from connecting.

But what if we knew we could never be unfriended? Would we risk friendship then?
Starting with that guarantee from the most faithful friend who ever lived—Jesus—this is a guide to friendships you can trust. It unpacks the insecurities that lurk under the surface of every friendship with personal stories and practical tips to help you make the friends, and be the friend, that lasts.

There is No Such Thing As “Just a Mom”

If there’s one thing that can defeat a mother it’s the monotony. And the belief that what she does, doesn’t matter. That she’s “just” a mom. Get up, feed the baby, wash the laundry, change the diapers, do the dishes, make the car pool run, wrestle the math homework, bake the cookies, change the sheets x 365 days in a row. It’s hard to see the significance when we’re so weighed down by the mundane. Enter the God who names every part of who we are and what we do significant. Because “he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Come and join us as we find new answers to that dreaded question, “So what did you do today?”

When God Calls A Mother, He Calls Her Kids With Her

Because we want to see moms commissioned to live in the truth that following God's unique call on their lives, is essentially modeling for their kids what it looks like to obey Jesus when He calls us to, "Follow me!" Because where a mother goes, there her kids will follow. We are their first experience of what it looks like to follow Jesus and there is nothing ordinary about that calling.

Lisa-Jo Baker
Featured Books

Never Unfriended: The Secret to Finding & Keeping Lasting Friendshipsby Lisa-Jo Baker

Never Unfriended: The Secret to Finding & Keeping Lasting Friendships

by Lisa-Jo Baker

In a world where women can unfriend each other with the swipe of a finger, how do we find friendships that we can trust to last? Maybe by first becoming those kinds of lasting friends ourselves.

As the community manager at the website since 2010, Lisa-Jo Baker has had the chance to engage hundreds of conversations with women about friendship. She’s learned that no one can make us quite as unsure about ourselves as another woman. And nothing can wound as deeply as unkind words from a friend. While we are all hungry for friendship, it’s the fear of feeling awkward and being rejected, left out, or hurt (again) that often keep us from connecting.

But what if we knew we could never be unfriended? Would we risk friendship then? 

Starting with that guarantee from the most faithful friend who ever lived—Jesus—this book is a step-by-step guide to friendships you can trust. It answers the questions that lurk under the surface of every friendship—What are we afraid of? What can’t we change? What can we change? And where do we start?—with personal stories and practical tips to help you make the friends, and be the friend, that lasts.

Surprised by Motherhoodby Lisa-Jo Baker

Surprised by Motherhood

by Lisa-Jo Baker
A lawyer with a well-stamped passport and a passion for human rights, Lisa-Jo Baker never wanted to be a mom. And then she had kids. Having lost her own mother to cancer as a teenager, Lisa-Jo felt lost on her journey to womanhood and wholly unprepared to raise children.

Surprised by Motherhood is Lisa-Jo's story of becoming and being a mom, and in the process, discovering that all the "what to expect" and "how to" books in the world can never truly prepare you for the sheer exhilaration, joy, and terrifying love that accompanies motherhood.

Set partly in South Africa and partly in the US (with a slight detour to Ukraine along the way), Surprised by Motherhood is a poignant memoir of one woman's dawning realization that being a mom isn't about being perfect--it's about being present.
We Saved You a Seat - Teen Girls' Bible Study Bookby Lisa-Jo Baker

We Saved You a Seat - Teen Girls' Bible Study Book

by Lisa-Jo Baker

Some of the best and most difficult work God calls us to do is to love other people.

In a culture where friendship is measured in follows, likes, mentions, and snaps, and being "unfriended" is a very real worry, girls often think they need to have it all together--the pressure for perfection creates distance instead of real, authentic relationships.

We Saved You A Seat takes girls deeper into Scripture to learn how to create, invest in, and keep up lifelong friendships. Jesus is the role model for our friendships and Scripture is the foundation. We don't wait until we're all put together to come to Jesus. Over the course of seven sessions, girls will learn that true friendship takes...

  • Showing up and being willing to go first
  • Being vulnerable and knowing that real friendship is messy
  • Encouraging rather than competing
  • The desire for connection over perfection
  • Forgiveness
  • Knowing when to walk away
  • Action

While girls may talk about the follows and likes and the perfect promposal, what they really want is true, lasting, unconditional friendship. They want connection. They want to know that someone saved them a seat.


  • Leader helps in the back of the Bible study book so anyone can facilitate a group
  • Personal Study to be completed between the 7 group sessions


  • Debunk the myth that friendship is easy.
  • Overcome the fear of knowing and being known.
  • Quit running from friendship and find the courage to connect.

Lisa-Jo Baker has been the community manager for, an online home for women all over the world, for nearly a decade. She is the author of Never Unfriended and Surprised by Motherhood, as well as the creator of The Temper Toolkit, and her writings have been syndicated from New Zealand to New York. She lives just outside Washington, DC, with her husband and their three very loud kids, where she connects, encourages, and champions women in person and through her blog, She is convinced that the shortest distance between strangers is a shared awkward story, and she'd love to connect with you on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram @lisajobaker.

We Saved You a Seat - Teen Girls' Bible Study Bookby Lisa-Jo Baker

We Saved You a Seat - Teen Girls' Bible Study Book

by Lisa-Jo Baker

Some of the best and most difficult work God calls us to do is to love other people.

In a culture where friendship is measured in follows, likes, mentions, and snaps, and being "unfriended" is a very real worry, girls often think they need to have it all together--the pressure for perfection creates distance instead of real, authentic relationships.

We Saved You A Seat takes girls deeper into Scripture to learn how to create, invest in, and keep up lifelong friendships. Jesus is the role model for our friendships and Scripture is the foundation. We don't wait until we're all put together to come to Jesus. Over the course of seven sessions, girls will learn that true friendship takes...

  • Showing up and being willing to go first
  • Being vulnerable and knowing that real friendship is messy
  • Encouraging rather than competing
  • The desire for connection over perfection
  • Forgiveness
  • Knowing when to walk away
  • Action

While girls may talk about the follows and likes and the perfect promposal, what they really want is true, lasting, unconditional friendship. They want connection. They want to know that someone saved them a seat.


  • Leader helps in the back of the Bible study book so anyone can facilitate a group
  • Personal Study to be completed between the 7 group sessions


  • Debunk the myth that friendship is easy.
  • Overcome the fear of knowing and being known.
  • Quit running from friendship and find the courage to connect.

Lisa-Jo Baker has been the community manager for, an online home for women all over the world, for nearly a decade. She is the author of Never Unfriended and Surprised by Motherhood, as well as the creator of The Temper Toolkit, and her writings have been syndicated from New Zealand to New York. She lives just outside Washington, DC, with her husband and their three very loud kids, where she connects, encourages, and champions women in person and through her blog, She is convinced that the shortest distance between strangers is a shared awkward story, and she'd love to connect with you on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram @lisajobaker.

Lisa-Jo Baker
Featured Reviews

Lisa-Jo Baker
Featured Articles & Resources


I have spent thousands of hours of my life held hostage by worry about friendships with women. I have over-analyzed, ranted, and kept my husband awake as I rehashed...
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“You don’t get it mom. Kids can be cruel.” It’s what my 8 year old son told me from the bathtub where I was treating his head for lice. His eyes were red from all the crying...
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I’m tired and she’s tired. And she’s been weeping with frustration, her face a smudge of red cheeks and snotty trails. I go down on my knees beside her little, chubby legs....
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