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November 06, 2017

Dear Stay-At-Home Mom: Embrace the Anonymous Years

I used to believe contentment was something that you were either born with or without. And it wasn’t until I became a stay-at-home mom that I realized that was not the case...
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Topics:   Motivation ,   Family ,   Family Relationships
November 03, 2017

God's Not Dead: A Light in Darkness' to Feature John Corbett and Tatum O'Neal

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — The third installment of "God's Not Dead" will hit theaters in March 2018 and during a visit to the set earlier this week The Christian Post learned about...
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September 12, 2017

Courageous Compassion

Our faith is perhaps most visible and most compelling to a watching world when people are in need. In 260 AD, amidst the height of a deadly plague that inspired a...
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September 01, 2017

Spiritual Amnesia

Twenty years ago, I graduated from college with a passion to work with a global organization in microenterprise development. Willing to go anywhere and do anything, I...
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August 30, 2017

MP Podcast 003: Is having fun in your marriage extra or essential?

Subscribe iTunes | Google Play | SoundCloud | Stitcher Show Notes Is having fun in your marriage extra or essential? Busyness, kids, exhaustion… There’s a...
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June 23, 2017


I have spent thousands of hours of my life held hostage by worry about friendships with women. I have over-analyzed, ranted, and kept my husband awake as I rehashed...
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June 22, 2017


“You don’t get it mom. Kids can be cruel.” It’s what my 8 year old son told me from the bathtub where I was treating his head for lice. His eyes were red from all the crying...
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June 18, 2017


I’m tired and she’s tired. And she’s been weeping with frustration, her face a smudge of red cheeks and snotty trails. I go down on my knees beside her little, chubby legs....
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May 22, 2017

7 Tips to Raising Healthy Boys

Meg Meeker: The Wisdom of a Pediatrician. The Heart of a Mother
By Meg Meeker
The Wisdom of a Pediatrician. The Heart of a Mother
  1.  Know how to encourage your son. One fault is babying and spoiling him. But another is being so harsh that you lose communication with your son and destroy his sense...
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May 22, 2017

The Hollywood Commandments: A Spiritual Guide to Secular Success

  The Hollywood producer, preacher, motivational speaker, and New York Times bestselling author of The Wait shares the spiritual lessons he learned about success in one...
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May 20, 2017

Dads: Six Essential Love--"Dos and Don'ts" for Your Daughter

Meg Meeker: The Wisdom of a Pediatrician. The Heart of a Mother
By Meg Meeker
The Wisdom of a Pediatrician. The Heart of a Mother
Men love differently than women. That’s why you scratch your head in confusion when your daughter or wife cries and insists that you don’t understand. They want you to know...
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May 20, 2017

My Daughter Is Marrying A Woman. What's A Mother To Do?

Meg Meeker: The Wisdom of a Pediatrician. The Heart of a Mother
By Meg Meeker
The Wisdom of a Pediatrician. The Heart of a Mother
Dear Dr. Meg, It has been quite a while since I wrote to you and I am going through a very difficult time. My oldest daughter who is 44, is getting married. She is a...
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Total Pages: 29