Did you know that exercise and diet don’t stop you from dying at your desk?
We all know there have been countless articles about how we are dying at our desk from Harvard to...
Marcus Markam!
A reader of many NYT’s best-selling books. Mr. Markam’s hit reality show “How Tall Are You?” garnered response from critics in two cities and was glowingly...
It is the year 2025 and it seems like a miracle reminiscent of John F. Kennedy’s moonshot. A multi-modality cure for Alzheimer’s disease was recently discovered, fast-tracked...
Boston Marathon bombing survivor, mom, speaker and superwoman Rebekah Gregory crossed the finish line again at this year’s Boston Marathon! Two years ago, Rebekah was at the...
"When you talk with someone when emotion is high, when adrenaline is pumping, you can really capture a person’s true nature. Wait even a few minutes and people often relax into...
We are excited to announce that Jon Acuff’s newest work ‘Do Over: Rescue Monday, Reinvent Your Work, and Never Get Stuck’ has secured a spot on the New York Times Best Seller...
Acts of kindness and the life lessons they teach us can appear in the most unlikely of places.
I was recently flying from Atlanta to Phoenix and became friendly with my...
A few days ago, Twitter introduced the world to Periscope: a brand new app that lets users see the world through your perspective via live stream. Twitter recently bought the...
If there is one skill that is needed for leaders today as we head to 2020 it is the ability to come up with real time creative solutions. I am talking about in the moment...
If I was to share the following facts with you, what part of the US would you think I’m talking about:
Represents over 20% of the US GDP
Nearly 25% of all research in...
When the industry talks about startups and technology in the advertising industry, it often receives the shorthand description of “AdTech”.
It is a term that I...