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December 22, 2015

How Can You Guard Your Heart?

In Proverbs 4:23, we read: Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Yes, but how do you guard your heart? If you are like me, then you have...
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December 18, 2015

Oliver North + America's Forgotten Ally Against ISIS

U.S. Marine, New York Times best-selling author and “War Stories” host Colonel Oliver North is the leading advocate for the United States’ Military. He was awarded the Silver...
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December 16, 2015

Podcast | Lessons from John Merrow's 40 Years in Education

Following up to John Merrow's recent retirement as a special correspondent for PBS Newshour after more than forty years, he was recently featured on the Education Writers...
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December 15, 2015

What's Holding You Back?

Whether your dream is to lose weight, or to buy your dream home, or to double your income, or to learn the ins and outs of soccer so you can coach your daughter's soccer team,...
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December 10, 2015

Transition from Anything to Anything!

I had the honor of being on Pat Hiban’s Show titled “Real Estate Rockstars.” But we talked little about real estate and much more about life and life’s transitions and...
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December 07, 2015

How Remarkable People Zig Zag to the Top

In Sheryl Sandberg’s 2013 bestseller, Lean In, she urged her readers to abandon the notion of a “career ladder” and instead think of their careers as jungle...
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December 03, 2015

Premiere University | Donald Miller + StoryBrand

Stories are usually seen as something we do to pass time and let our minds day dream. They’re often seen as a form of recreation but in fact, stories push some of the most...
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November 23, 2015

My 10 Point Plan to Defeat ISIS

I keep getting asked what we need to do to defeat ISIS. Here is my 10 point plan:1. Define the enemy: Radical Islam.2. Define Victory: No safe havens for radical Islamic...
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November 23, 2015

Premiere Forum | Former Air Force One Commander, Col. Mark Tillman

Former Air Force One Commander, Col. Mark Tillman recently gave a captivating presentation in New York City as part of our Premiere Forum. This event was organized by our NYC...
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November 23, 2015

The Magnetism of Exploration

Like iron is drawn to a magnet we, as humans, are drawn to exploration.  It is damn near impossible for us to leave a rock unturned.  At Creative Ventures we share this...
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November 21, 2015

What Would You Do In a Terrorist Attack Or Disaster?

The attached photo could be YOU hunched under a desk. After MOST mock disaster drills, communication is identified as a weakness. We found a solution to the problem. DIY...
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November 19, 2015

Brian Kilmeade | #2 on New York Times Best Seller list!

Congratulations to Fox & Friends Co-host and best-selling author Brian Kilmeade on securing another spot on the New York Times Best Sellers list! His latest book Thomas...
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Total Pages: 343