Vinny Boles | Former Army Chief Operating Officer for Logistics Operations

Vinny Boles

Former Army Chief Operating Officer for Logistics Operations

Fee Range
Travels From
Huntsville, AL, US

Vinny Boles

With Vinny you have a leader who has done more than read a textbook on the subject of leadership and logistics. You have a career Army officer with 33 years of experience in staying ready for war and, when needed, leading teams into that war. Highlights from his experience in 9 years as a General include:

- Managing the nation's $27 Billion ammunition account.
- Assuming command of the Army's War Reserve equipment 6 weeks before the attacks of 9-11 and flexing it into operations in Afghanistan, Iraq and other locations.
- Deployed to Kuwait in preparation for the Invasion of Iraq with 142 personnel, which, in 90 days, grew to a force of over 8,000 Soldiers, Civilians and Contractors by the time the invasion began.
- Forward deployed from Kuwait into Iraq, he assumed command of the 16,000 personnel responsible for providing all logistical support and services to the 150,000 members of the coalition.
- Upon redeployment from combat operations, Vinny was assigned as the Army's 33rd Chief of Ordnance.
- Responsible for the doctrine, training and professional excellence of the 120,000 Soldiers affiliated with the Corps, he made his primary focus taking the "lessons learned" in combat operations and embedding them in training programs.
- In his last assignment Major General Boles served as the Army's Chief Operating Officer for Logistics Operations. Assigned to the Pentagon, he was responsible for; operations and readiness of Army equipment, the force projection and distribution of personnel and equipment around the globe and overseeing the logistics strategy for the 1.1 million Soldier Army.
- Today, he and his wife reside in Huntsville Alabama, where he speaks on the subject of Leadership, conducts executive coaching and team building events and provides logistic consulting expertise.

Vinny Boles
Featured Video

Current: Speaking Preview

Time 12:53

Vinny Boles
Featured Keynote Programs

The Morality of Competence…It’s More Than Just Being Qualified To Do Your Job.

In this presentation, General Vincent Boles develops the concept for teams and leaders that “Competence” is more than an ideal to aspire to or, a nice to have trait to possess. It is, in fact, a requirement that leaders have to instill in their team and ensure that the required level of competence, once attained, is retained in the organization.
Filled with examples from his 35 years as a military leader and his consulting practice today, General Boles will bring this experience to life with examples that illustrate the implications for leaders who fail in this responsibility- ensuring that the people and their organization has a standard for competence and is committed to attaining it.
He’ll discuss the many implications; financial, technical, growth and most importantly, the moral implications that failing in this critical area brings.
An especially superb opening keynote address, it provides a focus to attendees that leads to greater retention throughout your program.

4-3-2-1 Leadership....Tools You Can Use Now!

Leaders today don’t require “help” that sounds good in a PowerPoint presentation and fades under the heat and pressure of reality. They need tools that hold up when the stakes are high so that they can be better practitioners of their leadership craft. Using his 33 years of experience in leading America’s sons and daughters and providing the right support in the toughest conditions, Major General Boles delivers to your team 10 time and battle tested tools that they can begin using right now to ensure their “best gets better.” Specifically the:
4 - expectations teams have of leaders.
3 - critical questions leaders need to ask AND answer
2 - reasons for stress in teams
1 - truth to never forget when leading.

Leading In A Crisis
Tough Times don’t Build Character...They Reveal It!

6 weeks before the attacks of September 11, 2001, Major General Boles was a Colonel waiting to pin on his first star and assume the leadership of the Army’s Field Support Command. On 9-11 the unit’s focus went from planning to executing contingencies on a 24/7 basis that none had foreseen. You and your team will discuss:
- What occurs to your organization in a is it ‘different?’
- The impact on your facilities, logistics, and your people.
- What the impact is on your leaders.
- How you set the conditions to absorb the crisis before it hits.

In Times Like These Leaders Need to Remember, There have Always Been “Times Like These”

Today, leaders face situations where the heat is high, the pressure is on and the outcome is uncertain. But this is not the first series of tough challenges our nation has faced. It may be the first time this generation of leaders has faced tough challenges. Using the latter half of the 20th Century as a template, Major General Boles shows that adherance to organizational values and sharing them even when “times like these” break upon us is the key to weathering these storms.
Your team will learn that trying to predict the future is a waste of effort, but a core of values, practiced in an organization routinely, separates those who survive and thrive in tough times from those that succumb in tough times.

Vinny Boles
Featured Articles & Resources

What Qualities Make a Good Event Planner? [VIDEO]

With Vinny you have a leader who has done more than read a textbook on the subject of leadership and logistics. You have a career Army officer with 33 years of experience in...
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