Susan RoAne | The Nation's Original and Undisputed Networking Expert

Susan RoAne

The Nation's Original and Undisputed Networking Expert

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Travels From
San Francisco, CA, US

Susan RoAne

Susan RoAne, known as "The Mingling Maven ," leads a double life as a bestselling author and a sought-after keynote speaker. She gives multi-generational audiences the required tools, techniques and strategies they need to connect and communicate in today's global business world. Her practical, informative, and interactive presentations are known for what The San Francisco Chronicle calls her "dynamite sense of humor."

A native Chicagoan, she received her Master's Degree from San Francisco State University and her Bachelors from the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana. She is a still a FIGHTING ILLINI.

Because of her groundbreaking best-seller, How to Work a Room , which celebrates its silver anniversary with a brand new edition recently published in print, audio and digitally as an e-book, Susan is considered the undisputed and original networking and conversation expert and The Mingling Maven . Over a million copies of her classic book have been sold worldwide. She also wrote The Secrets of Savvy Networking, What Do I Say Next? How To Create Your Own Luck and Face To Face: How To Reclaim The Personal Touch in A Digital World.

A longtime member of the National Speakers Association, Susan has been identified as thought leader on face to face communication by the Economist Intelligence Group, her ideas, tips and suggestions are featured in the media around the world - online, on air and in print. Including: The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Stellar Magazine of Ireland, Fast Company, Entrepreneur,, The BBC, Sydney Telegraph, The San Francisco Chronicle and Huffington Post.

Susan has appeared on CNN, NBC11, BBC, CBC, NPR, The Today Show of Australia and radio and TV stations throughout the world and had her own segment, The Mingling Minute on CNN's financial channel.

A former public school teacher, Susan also guest lectures at major universities including Yale School of Public Health, University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School, University of Maryland, San Francisco State University, University of Chicago-Booth School, University of Texas Law School, University of Illinois MBA program and NYU.

She has spoken for clients that include United Nations Credit Union, Comerica Bank, Coca Cola Leadership, Kraft Foods, Office Depot, United Health Group, National Association of Television Producers & Executives, The US Air Force, Latham and Watkins, LLC, Ernst and Young, Boeing, Bank of America, PA Consulting (UK), Oracle Users Groups and Hershey Foods.

Susan RoAne resides outside of San Francisco and a blogger, a frequent podcast guest and a fan of Zumba.

Susan RoAne
Featured Videos

Current: See Susan in Action

Time 18:23

More Videos From Susan RoAne

See Susan in Action
Time 18:23
How to Work a Room: What Do I Do?
Time 02:43
How to Work a Room" | Talks at Google
Time 58:15

Susan RoAne
Featured Keynote Programs

Face To Face
Reclaiming The Personal Touch in a Digital World

As we hide behind our computers, smart phones and tablets,We are losing our skill to communicate in-person.

This presentation is based on Susan's book Face To Face: How To Reclaim The Personal Touch in a Digital World.

Maintaining our interpersonal skills in an impersonal Internet/Digital world is difficult, and yet, essential for success.

This program provides tools and strategies so that -as a result- each person will learn how to easily :

 Move from Online to Real Time connections
 Merge Online and Offline Communication
 Break the ice at meetings, conventions and social functions
 Work a room with spirit, spunk and savvy
Turn small talk into conversation that builds rapport, referrals and relationships
 Use the appropriate mode for the message
 Connect with clients, co-workers and colleagues
 Follow up with contacts using the PERSONAL TOUCH

Executives, managers, the technically skilled (engineers, IT professionals), sales and service professionals, entrepreneurs.
Anyone who has to interact with customers, constituents, the community or cousins!

Additional information:

Susan RoAne works with organizations and shares the strategies of mingling, mixing and making conversation to build sales relationships with customers and strategic partners. the Silver Anniversary edition of the classic How To Work a Room® Her books and audios (including How To Create Your Own Luck: The “You Never Know” Approach to Networking and The Secrets of Savvy Networking) are available online and at your local bookstores.

Susan’s programs have motivated clients such as Citigroup, Monsanto, Hershey’s, Time Warner, UnitedHealth Group, Office Deport, Coca-Cola, Wharton School of Business, Boeing, Ernst & Young, , and Pfizer.

Susan’s titles and programs are customized.

©RoAne 2014. All Rights Reserved.

How To Work a Room®

If you have ever walked into a room full of strangers and felt uncomfortable.... is the Premise.
Susan's presentation is based on the new 25th Anniversary Edition of her ground-breaking book.

The ability to meet, mingle and make connections is essential in our personal and professional lives. The rooms of our lives have morphed into mega-mansions that we must manage.
Those who are engaged with their colleagues, co-workers and clients and can ‘work a room’ enjoy the benefits of knowledge, leads, ideas and information that is shared informally and contribute to company and career growth.
Maintaining our interpersonal skills both online and face to face is a critical life and business skill.

This program provides tools and strategies so that as a result each person will learn how to:

• Break the ice at meetings, conventions and social functions
• Introduce people to each other both online and face to face
• Build conversation that builds rapport, referrals and relationships
• Turn Small Talk to BIG Talk to Build Business
• Exit from conversations, graciously
• Create a base of business referrals
• “Work” the new online rooms ie: linked-in, twitter, facebook
• Connect with colleagues, community and co-workers
• Plan a follow up strategy that works.

Anyone who has to attend business events and must mix and mingle, connect and communicate and build business referrals.

Susan RoAne is an in-demand speaker who works with organizations and shares the strategies of mingling, mixing and making conversation to build relationships. Her books and audios (including How To Work A Room, The Secrets of Savvy Networking, How To Create Your Own Luck: The “You Never Know” Approach to Networking and RoAne’s Rules: How To Make the Right Impression) are available online and at your local bookstores.

Susan’s programs have motivated clients such as Citigroup, Kraft Foods, UnitedHealth Group, DeloitteTouche, Hershey, Time Warner, Coca-Cola, Wharton School of Business, Boeing, Ernst & Young, and Pfizer.

Susan’s titles and programs are customized.

©RoAne 2014. All Rights Reserved.

The Secrets of Savvy Networking

This presentation is based on Susan's book:The Secrets of Savvy Networking (Grand Central/Macmillan Audio)

The perfect kickoff program for any convention, meeting or retreat where mingling, meeting people and building a network is critical to professional success.

In today’s market a key to success is having an effective and diverse network of contacts, colleagues and cohorts. The savvy networker is a magnificent mingler as well as a matchmaker, and is the person who has a follow-up plan to nurture, support, and expand his or her network.


Based on both of Susan RoAne’s best-sellers, How To Work A Room and The Secrets of Savvy Networking, she gets people up on their feet, meeting each other; offers sure-fire tips for working rooms; and shares her methods for developing a network of contacts and resources. As a result, attendees will learn how to:

 Prepare for events to ensure success
 Initiate, expand and extricate from conversations
 Make positive impressions that are lasting
 Design a sure-fire follow-up plan that solidifies contacts
 Combine online and offline followup that works
 Expand base of business referrals
 Collaborate with colleagues and co-workers.
 Increase the bottom line


 People who attend meetings, conferences, conventions, community benefits and parties
 People who sell, administer, market or manage
 Executives, entrepreneurs and professionals

Susan RoAne works with organizations and shares the most effective and productive strategies of mingling, mixing and making conversation to build sales relationships with customers and strategic partners.
Her books and audios (including HOW TO WORK A ROOM®,How To Create Your Own Luck: The “You Never Know” Approach to Networking and Face To Face: How To Reclaim the Personal Touch in a Digital World) are available online and at your local bookstores.

Susan’s programs have motivated clients such as Citigroup, Monsanto, Hershey’s, Time Warner, Dana Corporation, Autodesk, Wharton School of Business, Yale University, Boeing, Ernst & Young, United Nations Federal Credit Union, The US Navy and Air Force, UnitedHealth Group and Pfizer.

Susan’s titles and programs are customized.

©RoAne 2014. All Rights Reserved.

What do I Say Next? Schmooze or Lose

From Small Talk to BIG TALK!
Bringing Back The Art of Conversation

PREMISE: The ability to connect and communicate starts with small talk and builds into the conversation that connects people..

BENEFITS: As a result of this presentation, participants will learn how to:

 Work a room to make connections
 Break the ice with potential customers
 Start, maintain and end conversations
 Make an impression that is positive, memorable and lasting
 Avoid the conversation killing comments.
 Increase the contacts, leads, referrals and resources
 Build business relationships

AUDIENCE:  Anyone who needs to make conversation that builds connections and professional as well as personal relationships..

Susan RoAne works with organizations and shares the strategies of mingling, mixing and making conversation to build sales relationships with customers and strategic partners. Her books and audios (including How To Work A Room®, The Secrets of Savvy Networking, How To Create Your Own Luck: The “You Never Know” Approach to Networking and RoAne’s Rules: How To Make the Right Impression) are available online and at your local bookstores.

Susan’s programs have motivated clients such as Citigroup, Monsanto, Hershey’s, Time Warner, UnitedHealth Group, US Navy and Air Force, Dana Corporation, Autodesk, Wharton School of Business, Yale University, Boeing, Ernst & Young, United Nations Federal Credit Union, and Pfizer.

Susan’s titles and programs are customized.

©RoAne 2014. All Rights Reserved.

Susan RoAne
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