
My buddy Ed Wheeler sent me a great article about charisma by Brett and Kate McKay.

They say, "Charisma is what allows you to command a room, draw others to you, and convince people of your ideas. It's an essential part of being the kind of leader who wins devoted followers who are willing to go to the ends of the earth for you."

There are 3 Elements to Charisma:

  • Presence - You must engage 100% with the person in front of you.
  • Power – Become an expert at some little something that is a part of what you do. Also be good at meeting and knowing important people. The best way to do that is to help them get where they want to go. Send them leads and introduce them to potential customers.
  • Warmth - Let people know you see them, hear them and love them as they are. Make sure they know they are important to you. Don't be selfish. Show gratitude. When in conversation, be curious like a 10 year old.

The McKays believe "doing whatever comes naturally is given a lot of lip service these days, but it won't actually get you far in life." Always seek to intentionally put your best foot forward.

Good stuff.


Steve Beecham: Author of “Bass-­‐Ackward Business” -“The Power of Helping without Hustling”.

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