Shari Levitin | Globally Recognized Sales and AI Expert, Bestselling Author, Tech Influencer, CEO of Shari Levitin Group

Shari Levitin

Globally Recognized Sales and AI Expert, Bestselling Author, Tech Influencer, CEO of Shari Levitin Group

Shari Levitin

Shari Levitin is a dynamic catalyst for change. As a sales futurist and video expert, she inspires teams to reach unparalleled growth in sales transformation by balancing the efficiency of AI with deepening human connections.

As the founder of the Shari Levitin Group, she has grown from a one-person operation to a multi-million dollar firm with clients in 40 countries around the world – generating over $1 billion in increased revenue.

Shari’s bestselling book, “Heart and Sell: 10 Universal Truths Every Salesperson Needs to Know”, is the official textbook for Harvard University’s “Strategic Selling” course.

Recognized as one of the most influential leaders on social media, Shari was named a Top Ten Voice in Sales on LinkedIn. Her viral videos have reached over 120 million views across multiple platforms in the last two years and is an influencer for multiple tech corporations such as Seamless, Vidyard and GrwAI. 

Shari has received numerous accolades for her contributions to sales, including being named a Top 50 Keynote Speaker by Top Sales World and one of 10 sales experts featured in the Salesforce documentary film "The Story of Sales."

Shari frequently contributes to top publications like Forbes, CEO Magazine, and Huffington Post. She is a guest lecturer at Harvard and Stanford Universities and serves on the board of the National Speakers Association.

Shari lives in Park City with her husband. When not helping companies transform their sales performance, Shari can be found skiing, rock climbing, reading, or standing on her head! 

Shari Levitin
Featured Videos

Current: Watch Shari Levitin In Action

Time 04:31

More Videos From Shari Levitin

Watch Shari Levitin In Action
Time 04:31
How to Rehumanize the Sales Process: Sell the Way Your Customer's Buy
Time 07:34
StorySelling: How to Captivate, Connect and Close
Time 09:53
The Four Pillars: How to Effectively Train and Coach Your Team
Time 00:00

Shari Levitin
Featured Keynote Programs

How to Bridge the AI Gap
From Artificial to Authentic

We’re in a race—a veritable sprint toward AI, the gold rush of 2024 and beyond. Everyone is racing to reach this magical place. But if the finish line is a distant, magical destination, let’s be clear on what we’re running from. The word “artificial”—imitation, scam, bogus, fake—stands in stark contrast to what is genuine, natural, honest, and heartfelt. How do we take the best AI has to offer and combine it with the four traits necessary to catapult your revenue growth in an ever-changing market?

Shari doesn’t just offer solutions; she provides a proven framework, a roadmap to sustainable top-line growth in the evolving AI landscape. Her advice transcends mere sales strategy; it encompasses the art of cultivating an adaptive company culture that thrives in the face of technological changes. Her guidance forces companies to more clearly distinguish the knowledge that is useful information from the humanistic knowledge that leaves people wiser and transformed.

AI promises to provide fantastic tools for outsourcing mental work. At the same time, AI will force us humans to double down on those talents and skills that only humans possess. These four keys to bridging the AI Gap include:

**Cognitive Thinking
**Crafting Compelling Narratives

Key Takeaways:

* Differentiate Your Messaging: Leverage AI to craft compelling messaging and presentations that deeply resonate with stakeholder needs, helping you stand out and rise above the competition.
* Deepen Human Connections: Identify impersonal communication channels leveraging a precise set of design principles throughout the buyer’s journey, pinpointing where a human touch is essential to forge deeper, more meaningful connections.
* Uncover Customer Needs: Master the use of tailored prompts to  gather compelling initial insights quickly, and then harness human curiosity to ask more personalized questions to create richer sales conversations.
* Make a Powerful ROI Case with the Buyer: Utilize AI-generated insights to boost your credibility, grab stakeholder interest, and powerfully convey both the rewards of action and the risks of inaction
* Compelling Narratives: Transform facts, data, and figures into powerful stories that drive engagement to build credibility and lower buyer resistance. 
* The most important benefit of  A.I. is that it shows us what it can’t do, and so reveals who we are and what makes us uniquely human.

This keynote is applicable to all audiences.

How to Captivate, Connect, and Close

For years, companies believed that a great product, solid facts, and testimonials sufficed to drive customer purchasing decisions. However, in today's world of "fake news," where fiction often trumps facts, stories prove 22 times more effective in winning the hearts and minds of consumers. Stories transcend the limitations of mere facts and figures, forging deep emotional connections that resonate with audiences on a human level. They simplify complex ideas, making them accessible and memorable, while also engaging and maintaining attention in ways that data alone cannot.

While telling stories is the most effective way to connect and communicate, we often set aside the very communication method we learned, loved, and perfected as children. Even if we have the best product in the marketplace, we will lose to an inferior product if our competitor's offer is communicated more clearly and emotionally through story.

In this engaging keynote, Shari Levitin, a social media powerhouse with over 180 million views in the last two years, reveals how to harness the power of storytelling to elevate impact and influence. Leveraging her theater background and multimillion-dollar sales training empire, Shari unveils a proven five-step "storyselling" formula designed to boost brand awareness, build trust, address objections, and captivate today's discerning consumers.

Key Takeaways:

Harness the Power of StorySelling: Discover 5 science-based reasons why StorySelling is essential for sellers and leaders.
Build Emotional Connection and Urgency: Create “driveway moments” with stories that release oxytocin and cortisol, forging strong connections and urgency.
Boost Confidence and Reduce Skepticism: Tailor stories to different stakeholders, addressing their unique concerns to overcome fears that lead to a no decision. 
Connect the Dots: Weave context into your content, making it relevant and engaging so customers see your unique value.
Accelerate Sales with Precision: Build a versatile story bank and master the timing of using the right stories to alleviate customer fears and make more sales in less time.
This keynote is applicable to a sales, marketing, or leadership audience but can be tailored to any audience upon request. 

The Four Pillars of an Effective Training and Coaching Program

Neuroscientists tell us that we've created five times as much content in the last five years as in all of human history. Sorting through this avalanche of information, trying to figure out what you need to know and what you can ignore, is exhausting.

As sales and marketing leaders, our job is no longer simply to teach information to our teams; it's to help them filter, assimilate, and apply that information to consistently win deals.

How do we engage today's information-rich, tech-savvy, distracted salespeople? In this lively session, best-selling author and sales strategist Shari Levitin reveals the four pillars required for a results-producing training and mentoring program. This program increases ROI, engages the learner, and creates a culture of lifelong learning and development.

The passion, energy, and commitment you put into your training process will be mirrored by your salespeople in their sales process!

Join best-selling author and renowned sales strategist Shari Levitin as she unveils the four essential pillars of an effective training and coaching program. This engaging session promises to boost ROI, captivate learners, and foster a culture of continuous development and growth.

Discover why most leaders rely on just one of the four pillars—education, entertainment, facilitation, or coaching—and learn strategies to integrate all four, accelerating your team's learning process. Explore how AI is transforming training paradigms, debunk the seven myths that hinder learning, and embrace innovative methods for rapid success.

This session will not only inspire you with new insights but also equip you with practical tools to transform your approach, ensuring your passion and commitment are mirrored by your sales team.

We’re living in a world of “I’ll have what you’re having.” The thinking is that since you like it and I like you, it must be good for me. If you and I are virtual friends, you are 27% more likely to find credibility in a product recommended by me than by a pop-up, advertisement, billboard, or even a friend.”

Stories that showcase customers benefiting from a product not only create an emotional connection but also add credibility and urgency to the offer.

In this keynote, Shari Levitin, leveraging her successful theater background to build a multimillion-dollar sales training empire, explores how leaders, marketers, entrepreneurs, and sales professionals can elevate their impact, influence, and income through "storyselling." As a social media powerhouse with over 160 million views across four major platforms in just two years, Shari unveils her five-step formula for increasing brand awareness, earning instant trust, addressing objections, and captivating the hearts and wallets of today's discerning consumers.

Drawing on a proven five-step "storyselling" formula, leaders, marketers, entrepreneurs, and sales professionals learn to elevate their impact and influence through storytelling, boosting brand awareness, building trust, addressing objections, and captivating modern consumers with potential for up to 30% enhanced conversions.

Key takeaways from this keynote include the ability to:

Understand why StorySelling is an indispensable tool for sellers and leaders.
Differentiate effective stories from mere anecdotes.
Employ a strategic framework to articulate value, establish credibility, and stand out from competitors.
Identify and avoid the five common StorySelling errors based on research.
Tailor stories to different stakeholders to boost confidence and reduce buyer's remorse.
Apply the top five techniques used by TED speakers to foster emotional connections and engagement.
Build a versatile story bank and learn when to use the right stories to alleviate customer fears and accelerate sales cycles.
Implement the five essential rules for giving and receiving constructive feedback.
Foster a collaborative environment that embraces StorySelling to capture the hearts and minds of buyers.
Benefits to Your Team: This keynote equips participants with the tools to transform their sales approach through effective storytelling, enabling them to not only meet but exceed their sales targets in a competitive marketplace.

This keynote is applicable/can be tailored to all audiences.

How to Rehumanize the Sales Process
Sell the Way Your Customer’s Buy

Rehumanize the Sales Process is not just another sales training session. It's a comprehensive approach that acknowledges the evolving landscape of sales and addresses the need for a balanced integration of technology and human interaction. By choosing this keynote, you are investing in a transformative experience that will empower your sales team to build stronger, more meaningful connections with customers, ultimately driving sales and fostering long-term relationships.

One of the biggest challenges facing sales reps and leaders is the failure to effectively connect, share and listen to our customers.  The first generation of smartphone users has experienced a decline in empathy by 40 percent.  Attention span has decreased from thirty to eight seconds. Salespeople must create an interest span to combat a lower attention span.  The tendency for young people to flee from meaningful conversation results in a loss of rapport and connection. Young reps prefer texting over conversing and emoji’s over debate. This makes objection handling more difficult than ever before.

Our challenge today isn’t accessing information, it’s filtering it. And it’s the same for our customers. There’s so much information it’s become devalued. Alexa has information. Research shows as technology and AI increase empathy decreases, and the very skill needed to build trust with our customers.

What’s the solution? We must do everything Alexa can’t. Only humans can:

Connect to build trust

Ask questions that reveal the customer's core emotional motivators

Listen to the emotion behind the words

Link that information to a better future

Session Goals

“Rehumanize the Sales Process” equips sellers to reintroduce the human element into the sales process while utilizing AI to enhance efficiency. This session teaches sellers how to use AI effectively to establish genuine relationships with customers, delve into their emotional drivers, and ask insightful questions that reveal the deeper motivations behind their purchases. By employing the C.A.L.L. (Connect, Ask, Listen, Link) technique, sellers can effectively engage prospects and drive sales, ensuring that even as AI augments their capabilities, the crucial human touch remains at the forefront of the sales experience.

Participants will learn to:

Balance empathy and competency to build trust with today’s more skeptical consumers.

Complete the “Buyer’s Matrix” to thoroughly understand buyer motivations.

Craft messages that significantly boost engagement.

Differentiate between superficial and profound inquiry levels to optimize product demonstrations.

Utilize connective questions to uncover varied buying criteria from different stakeholders.

Employ free AI and digital tools for research, follow-up, and client acquisition.

Master a five-question framework to explore customer needs, foster agreement, and access the core emotional reasons behind purchases.

Practice deep listening to understand what is said, unsaid, and implied, enhancing client relationships and sales effectiveness.

This keynote is applicable to a sales audience.

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