Dr. Sebastian Gorka | National Security Expert, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United States

Dr. Sebastian Gorka

National Security Expert, Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United States

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Dr. Sebastian Gorka

One of America's top experts on terrorism and the global jihadist threat, Dr. Sebastian Gorka regularly briefs the defense, intelligence, homeland security and law enforcement communities to better understand the current threat environment and how to navigate it. Dr. Sebastian Gorka is an internationally recognized authority on national security, irregular warfare and terrorism. He's a go-to expert for the FBI, Special Operations Forces, the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, TSA, the National Counterterrorism Center, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and state and local law enforcement across the country. Gorka served as an expert witness in the Boston Marathon bombing trial. He appears frequently on Fox News, BBC, Sky News, CNN, and other national and international media. In recognition of his support to U.S. Special Operations Command, Gorka was awarded the Department of Defense Joint Civilian Service Commendation.

Gorka is host of America First, the nationally syndicated radio show on the Salem Radio Network, and The Gorka Reality Check on Newsmax TV. He is the author of the New York Times bestselling book Defeating Jihad, along with Why We Fight and The War for America’s Soul. He served as Deputy Assistant for Strategy to President Donald J. Trump, and previously taught at National Defense University and Marine Corps University.

Dr. Sebastian Gorka
Featured Keynote Programs

Defeating Jihad

This talk is linked directly to Dr. Sebastian Gorka’s new book, Defeating Jihad, and summarizes the work and its importance to all Americans concerned with the safety of the republic. The book is a detailed analysis of the global jihadist movement, of which Al Qaeda and ISIS are but the most famous expressions, the origins of the ideology that drives its members, and the strategy they follow that informs attacks such as 9/11, Fort Hood and the San Bernardino massacre.

Audiences will be provided details on the strategic response Dr. Gorka outlines in the book, the plan to empower local actors in the Middle East, and use informational means to delegitimize the message of holy war propagated by terrorists and their masterminds.

The ISIS Threat to the United States

We see the daily reports of bloodshed and mayhem in the Middle East and North Africa, and even news of terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels, but what does this all mean to the average American or stateside CEO?

Building on his work with U.S. Special Forces and the FBI, Dr. Sebastian Gorka will share the findings of the research done by his company, the Threat Knowledge Group, on the tangible ISIS threat to the United States.

Participants will hear the details on the more than 100 arrests of ISIS suspects made in the U.S. over the last two years. Dr. Gorka will provide information on the trends these plots evince, what this means for the likelihood of future attacks and what it will take to defeat this enemy both abroad and on our shores. (All information provided is UNCLASSIFIED and may be further disseminated.)

Intelligence in the Post-9/11 World

Everyone loves that dashing former naval commander James Bond, international spy extraordinaire. But while Ian Fleming’s 007 may have embodied the bipolar standoff that was the Cold War, he is a poor match for today’s global enemies.

With his background in a British reserve intelligence unit, Dr. Sebastian Gorka will explain how the world of intelligence has dramatically changed in the post-Cold War, especially in the post-9/11 world.

Including a primer on key aspects of modern intelligence gathering and analysis, audiences will receive an understanding of what exactly espionage and counterintelligence consist of in a world in which Chinese theft of intellectual property is just as great a threat as domestic jihadis plotting attacks in our major cities. They will learn what works and what doesn’t work, what this all means for the private sector and how it affects the safety and privacy concerns of the individual citizen.

Jihad and You

9/11 seems so long ago to many Americans, especially millennials. But recent events, such as the Boston bombing, San Bernardino and the attacks in Paris and Brussels, remind us how ever present and pervasive jihadi terrorism remains.

The role of law enforcement domestically is clear. As are the missions of our armed services abroad, especially our special forces tracking and neutralizing key jihadist leaders. But how do you, your company and your family fit into today’s world of globalized and transnational threats?

With over a decade providing strategic support to the American national security sector, including the FBI and Green Berets, Dr. Sebastian Gorka will share his knowledge on what it is every citizen needs to know about groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS, and what they can do to make themselves safer.

Dr. Sebastian Gorka
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Dr. Sebastian Gorka

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