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November 11, 2018

A Simple Approach to Boost the Appeal of Your Product or Service

If you have a burning headache, you'll do whatever it takes to subdue it. If it's 3:00 am on a cold, snowy night and you are out of pain killers, you'll bundle up, drive to a...
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November 09, 2018

People Magazine Feature Article on Keni's Service Dog

Courtesy Southeastern Guide Dogs and Taya Kyle KELLI BENDER  November 09, 2018 02:28 PM Veteran’s Day is Nov. 11, but to these two canines, every day is a day...
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November 09, 2018

Amputee World Cup Soccer

I'm back home from the Amputee Soccer World Cup in Mexico.If you've read my books or seen me speak you...
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November 08, 2018

Dave Sanderson: Declassified- It's performance that counts

What resonated to me is that from the first of time to today, it's your performance in anything that counts most, not your words.
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November 08, 2018

Leadership is About Positioning

Leadership is about positioning. Not only your own, but how you position others as well. Leadership and yoga have a lot in common, which is what inspired my new book,...
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November 08, 2018

Behind-the-scenes Halloween video top 1 million views!

Here's a behind-the-scenes video about my new Halloween costume (which has topped one million views!):
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November 08, 2018

Here's How to Grow Your Business

Many years ago, a friend told me about a seminar that he had attended. Each seminar participant received a cap with the word ON on the front of the cap and the word IN on the...
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November 08, 2018

Live Inspired Podcast: 4 Ways to Find Your Happy with Klyn Elsbury #108

Klyn Elsbury Shares 4 Ways to Find Your Happy on the Live Inspired Podcast Klyn Elsbury has Cystic Fibrosis, a genetic condition that nearly claimed her life 5 years ago. Today,...
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November 07, 2018

Take a Seat

Written by Diane Vaccaro I recently observed a leader who, in doing the simplest of behaviors, was able to communicate value to those he leads. He simply sat in a chair. Well,...
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November 07, 2018

Telling the truth about illegal aliens is not racist

The accusations of racism have been taken to a whole new level. Now it's racist to run an ad featuring a convicted illegal alien cop-killer bragging about his crime. This is...
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Total Pages: 343