Endangered Species
That’s the number of animals categorized as ‘very likely to become extinct’ on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List. From the...
Social media has grown into something I believe none of us initially imagined. The ability to connect with individuals across the world and take a peep into what they are doing...
At Home With the Leibowitzes
Seventeen years ago, Harry Leibowitz was watching a story about the Pulitzer Prize honorees on television when he had an epiphany. “I wonder...
On Wednesday, DonorsChoose announced San Francisco-based Ripple donated $29 million to fund every classroom project request on the nonprofit’s crowdfunding platform....
Without even noticing it, many of our actions are dictated by others’ expectations. By paying close attention to the behavior of people around me, I realized that our needs...
We are all familiar with the line, "If it bleeds, it leads." The theory is that negative stories capture our attention more than cheerful ones do.
But Jonah Berger and...
Your capacity is not fixed. It’s decided, settled for, or developed. This video will teach you how to expand your capacity to do more, be more, and contribute more in life!
Watch out for repetitive descriptions in your writing
In previous posts I’ve addressed my tendency to overuse certain words, phrases, or gestures, for example she bit her...
Visually, we can see the difference between grainy amateur photography and the vibrant work of a professional. There's a big leap in skill and performance between a minor-league...
You never know how someone is feeling inside.P.S. If you are considering harming yourself, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. Then...