Phil Borges | 20+ Years Studying Indigenous Tribes, Humanitarian, Author & Photographer, Speaker

Phil Borges

20+ Years Studying Indigenous Tribes, Humanitarian, Author & Photographer, Speaker

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Seattle, Washington, United States

Phil Borges

For over twenty years Phil Borges has lived with and documented indigenous and tribal cultures around the world. Through his work, he strives to create a heightened understanding of the issues faced by people in the developing world.Through his exhibits and award-winning books, Phil attempts to create a relationship between the audience and his photographic subjects. "I want the viewer to see these people as individuals, to know their names and a bit of their history, not just to view them as an anonymous part of some remote ethnic or tribal group." His book TIBETAN PORTRAIT: The Power of Compassion, introduces individuals from a deeply spiritual culture who have been marginalized and displaced by the occupation of their homeland. In 1998 he joined Amnesty International to present ENDURING SPIRIT, an exhibit and book celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. His exhibit and book THE GIFT highlights the work of medical teams that provide facial reconstructive surgery to children in the developing world. Women Empowered is a celebration of remarkable women in developing countries making extraordinary differences in their worlds.Phil has hosted three television documentaries for Discovery and National Geographic as a part of a series that investigates indigenous cultures that still maintain a spiritual dialogue with the natural world. Phil's current project, Stirring the Fire is a call to action and a celebration of women and girls, mostly in the developing world, who have broken through barriers of tradition and oppression to become catalysts for change in their communities. With the traveling exhibition and website of the same name, the goal of STF is to raise awareness about the issues women and girls face and to inspire individuals to get involved. Phil's photographs are collected and exhibited in museums and galleries worldwide. His award-winning books have been published in four languages and in 1998 he was presented the Photo Media Magazine "Photoperson of the Year" award. In December, 2003 Phil was honored with the Humanitarian Award, receiving the Lucie at the 1st Annual International Photography Awards. In 2005 he was named a Giraffe Hero for his humanitarian work. Phil teaches and lectures internationally and is co-founder of Blue Earth Alliance, a 501c3 that sponsors photographic projects focusing on endangered cultures and threatened environments. In 2001 Phil founded Bridges to Understanding, an on-line classroom program that connects youth worldwide through digital storytelling for the purpose of exploring and honoring cultural diversity. Volunteer mentors helped the Bridges students create photo-stories of their lives that are then uploaded and shared with students in other parts of the world. Phil graduated from University of California as a Regents Scholar in 1969 and was honored with their prestigious University of California Medal in 2004. He practiced Orthodontics in Northern California for 18 years and now lives with his family in Seattle.

Phil Borges
Featured Keynote Programs

The Global Movement to Empower Women and Girls

With his stunning photography Phil shares the stories of heroes—remote and mostly unknown women—who have broken through cycles of repression or cultural tradition to be the change agents that are currently leading the global shift toward gender equality. Their inspirational stories speak to the universal themes of courage, empowerment and human rights. He introduces the website Stirring the Fire that has provided the resources to help hundreds of university and college students to intern, volunteer or study abroad to help address the human rights issues women and girls face in the developing world.

One Step at a Time into the Unknown

With a newborn son and at the age of 45 Phil left the security of his Orthodontic practice to follow a love of photography. Not knowing a thing about the business of photography he took a frightening step into the unknown. Against the backdrop of his extraordinary career documenting the indigenous and tribal cultures of the world, Phil will describe his transformational process that led him from the suffocating confines of control to the exhilarating freedom of vulnerability.

The Gift of Voice

For the past eight years Phil has led groups of photographers, writers and filmmakers to remote villages in Kenya, India, Guatemala, Peru and the Artic to teach the local young people digital storytelling. The stories the youth chose to tell covered topics from teen pregnancy to climate change and dowry. The stories were shared online with students in the U. S. to start cross-cultural conversations. Phil will discuss the successes and failures of the non-profit Bridges to Understanding he founded to give indigenous communities a voice in the information age.

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