Dr. Michael Guillen | Former ABC News Science Correspondent and Bestselling Author "Can A Smart Person Believe In God?"

Dr. Michael Guillen

Former ABC News Science Correspondent and Bestselling Author "Can A Smart Person Believe In God?"

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Dr. Michael Guillen

Michael Guillen was born in East Los Angeles, earned his BS from UCLA and his MS and 3D PhD from Cornell University in physics, mathematics, and astronomy. For eight years he was an award-winning physics instructor at Harvard University.
For fourteen years he was the Emmy-award-winning Science Editor for ABC News, appearing regularly on Good Morning America, 20/20, Nightline, and World News Tonight. Dr. Guillen is the host of the History Channel series Where Did It Come From?; producer of the award-winning family movie Little Red Wagon; and host of the popular, weekly podcast series Science+God, operated by K-LOVE and Air1 Radio.
Dr. Guillen has written op eds for many, influential media outlets, including the Wall Street Journal, U.S. News & World Report, and Fox News.
He is a popular speaker worldwide and the best-selling author of Bridges to Infinity: The Human Side of Mathematics; Five Equations That Changed the World: The Power and Poetry of Mathematics; Can a Smart Person Believe in God?; Amazing Truths: How Science and the Bible Agree; The Null Prophecy; and The End of Life As We Know It: Ominous News From the Frontiers of Science. His newest book is Believing is Seeing: A Physicist Explains How Science Shattered His Atheism and Revealed the Necessity of Faith (Tyndale, 2021), an Amazon #1 Best Seller.
Dr. Guillen runs an all-media production company, Spectacular Science Productions, and is co-founder and principal partner of Accelarise Media.

Dr. Michael Guillen
Featured Keynote Programs

How To Succeed In Life Without Really Trying

Dr. Guillen beat the odds. He succeeded in going from the Mexican barrio of East Los Angeles, where he was born, to Harvard, ABC News, and beyond by living and working according to a set of rules he calls “Guillen’s Laws.” In this talk, Dr. Guillen tells you what they are and how they can be applied to your life, no matter what your situation is. Ironically, he explains, the single most important law of all – the one responsible for his greatest, most satisfying achievements to date – is this one: “Stop trying to succeed!”

Loving From the “Top-Down”

American pop culture defines love in a very selfish way; it claims that we must love ourselves before we can love anyone else. Modern science defines love in a Darwinistic way; it claims that when push comes to shove, we love only those who have our own genes (blood is thicker than water). Such beliefs – sadly, very common today – give rise to what Dr. Guillen calls “Bottom-Up” relationships, because they’re built up from our own lowly self interests. By contrast, he tells us how to begin creating truly healthy, happy “Top-Down” relationships, based on loving God first. When he himself did that, Dr. Guillen explains, his life was completely turned upside down. Suddenly he began to see and love people from a Heavenly perspective, the way God does.

Not of this World

Are you surrounded by co-workers who scoff at your devout, childlike belief in God? By fellow students? By family, even? Odds are, you are. Today, we all live, work, and study in an increasingly secular ambience. All of which, Dr. Guillen says, raises this very important question: How can a person live apart from this world – as Jesus commanded us to do – and still remain a part of it? Dr. Guillen uses his own experience working in the ultra-secular world of television news and entertainment to share with us many practical ways we can succeed in being spiritual creatures in a secular society.

What’s Your SQ?

Scientists once believed that we humans were unique because of IQ. But not anymore: lots of animals have varying degrees of intelligence, from apes to whales to parrots. What makes us truly special is what Dr. Guillen calls SQ – Spiritual Quotient, the spiritual equivalent of IQ. God made us the only animal on the planet with religious smarts, Dr. Guillen explains, the ability to discern and study God’s presence in the universe; to prove things we find hard to believe (IQ), but also to believe in things we find hard to prove (SQ). Dr. Guillen has developed a simple SQ Test to see where God rates in your daily life, and offers five ways to improve your SQ – which is to say, your walk with Him.

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Dr. Michael Guillen

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