Keren Elazari News & Updates
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March 16, 2022

Cyber Warfare in context of global conflicts

In the Age of Cyber Warfare, states and corporations alike have redrawn the battle lines, and they are now virtual. This era began roughly 10 years ago, a computer virus called...
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Topics:   Cyber Security ,   Internet
May 14, 2021

PAST: Keren Elazari | 5/14

About Keren Elazari is an internationally recognized security analyst, researcher, author, and speaker. Since 2000, Keren has worked with leading Israeli security firms,...
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September 08, 2015

Where Are All The Women ?

People talk about the lack of gender diversity and representation at conferences and media events. I often hear - "We tried, but couldn't get any" - or even worse "we don't...
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August 06, 2015

Hackers are the internet's immune system.

There is a spotlight on cybersecurity like there hasn’t been in quite a while. Report after report streams into the public eye about the vulnerability of embedded health...
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Topics:   TED ,   Top 10 Consulting ,   Newsmakers
April 02, 2014

TED | Keren Elazari Q&A

Two weeks ago, hours after Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an vowed to “wipe out” Twitter, his government blocked access to the platform across the country. It was...
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