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August 13, 2017

Four Powerful Questions

It's often said that the most successful people focus more on the questions they ask than the statements they make. Asking the right questions can unlock volumes of knowledge,...
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August 06, 2017

How One Pizza Delivery Inspired the Nation

Benjamin Houston was having an especially rough night. As a Domino's Pizza delivery driver in Flint, Michigan, it had been a tough road. The fact that Benjamin is deaf made his...
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July 30, 2017

Planting Seeds

How do you know if you've accomplished something today? What should you measure if you didn't deliver something measurable? In an era of dashboards, metrics, and key performance...
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July 23, 2017

7 Powerful Lessons from Ancient Japanese Wisdom

As we search for new approaches to our biggest challenges, we often seek the latest-and-greatest tactics from the hottest, cutting-edge research on performance. It feels like...
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July 16, 2017

Efforts vs. Results

Imagine that a loved one is on the operating table in a life-or-death situation. You and your family gather in the waiting room waiting with bated breath for the doctor to...
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June 18, 2017

The Most Powerful Phrase to Boost your Company and Career

In our world of quick fixes and success hacks, there's an old school approach that wins consistently. Think of it as the most potent high-octane formula to fuel your...
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June 11, 2017

What Kenyan Distance Runners Can Teach Us About Achievement

Why does one small tribe in Kenya - the Kalenjin - produce a statistically impossible percentage of the world's fastest distance runners? According to David Epstein, Senior...
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June 04, 2017

Death by 1,000 Paper Cuts

We've all done it. As you open an envelope or turn the pages of a magazine, the paper's edge slices into your finger, causing you to wince with pain. While not requiring...
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May 28, 2017

Are You a Firebrand?

We all come across two types of companies (and individuals) in our lives. First there are those that blend in with the others, swim in a sea of sameness, and personify...
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May 21, 2017

The 5 Obsessions of Innovators

In our turbulent business climate, we all seek new pathways to growth and success. Yes, winning can be elusive in these times of dizzying speed and ruthless competition. ...
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May 07, 2017

3 Hacks to Boost Client Loyalty and Growth

In these highly competitive times, it's become increasingly difficult to hold onto customers. Retention is tough, and client growth is even harder with fickle clients and...
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April 30, 2017

Two Danger Traps to Avoid When Growing Your Business

Whether you run a 2-person graphic design shop or a 200,000 global manufacturing conglomerate, you're likely craving growth. We all do. Expansion fuels profits, serves...
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Total Pages: 21