Joey Coleman | Author, The First 100 Days

Joey Coleman

Author, The First 100 Days

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Joey Coleman


The First 100 Days
The First 100 Days is a methodology, system, and practice for creating remarkable customer experiences. It hinges on exploring the various interactions (or touchpoints) an organization has with a new customer and then analyzing how to make each of those minute interactions more remarkable.

Investigating ways to simplify the experience, while maintaining a sense of emotional engagement, allows every interaction to contribute to an overall feeling of customer delight.

By focusing on the experience customers are having in the First 100 Days, a company can set finite and achievable goals, in a comfortable timeframe (just three months), that have a significant impact on overall operations. Designing customer interactions to produce raving fans increases customer retention and as a result, the bottom line. By decreasing customer defection by just 5%, the typical business can increase profits from 25-100%. (The Loyalty Effect, Frederick F. Reichheld).

The Power of Experience
In a world that is increasingly commoditized, where products and services are in a race to the bottom on price, where cost of manufacturing keeps dropping, and where 24/7 accessibility is the norm - there are very few things you can do to differentiate your offering from the competition. The experience you create for your clients and customers is the one thing you have control over. It's a huge opportunity to differentiate yourself and be remarkable.

In the typical customer relationship, whether considering business-to-consumer or business-to-business enterprises, the bar for customer experience is lying on the ground. Most customer interactions and not only plain and uninspiring, but they often leave a customer feeling unappreciated and even disenchanted. Despite the fact that as consumers, we often feel like we are a number in a database, few business leaders are working to change that experience within their own customer base. Countless meetings and innumerable dollars are spent figuring out how to "fill the funnel" or "drive adoption" - but little time is spent thinking about how to maintain customer engagement after a sale/purchase. Shifting the focus from pre-purchase pursuit to post-purchase service dramatically impacts organizational behavior and profits.


When organizations like Hyatt Hotels, NASA, Deloitte, the World Bank, and Zappos need to boost their customers' experience, they call on Joey Coleman for assistance.

For over a decade, Joey has helped organizations retain their best customers and turn them into raving fans via his entertaining and actionable keynotes, workshops, and consulting projects. His First 100 Days methodology helps fuel successful customer experience endeavors at companies and organizations around the world.

Joey received a Bachelor of Arts in Government and International Relations from the University of Notre Dame (Dean's List Honors) and a Juris Doctor from The George Washington University Law School (Dean's Fellow). He has served on the Board of Directors for the privately-held Affinity Lab (serving as Board Chairman for 2009-2014), the Board of Directors for the non-profit Capitol Hill Arts Workshop (serving as President for 2010-2012), the Alumni Board of Directors for the George Washington University Law School (founding and leading the Alumni Mentor Program for four years), the National Advisory Council for the Creative America Project (Chicago, IL), and the Washington Men's Camerata (serving as President for two years). For almost a decade he sang first tenor with the GRAMMY-nominated Washington Men's Camerata.

As a recognized expert in customer experience design and an award-winning speaker at national and international conferences, Joey specializes in creating unique, attention-grabbing customer experiences. He works with companies ranging from small venture capital funded start-ups, to large Fortune 500s, with hundreds of mid-size
businesses in between.

Joey developed his narrative skills as a criminal defense trial attorney, advised and counseled Fortune 500 companies as a business consultant, and honed his communications and messaging skills at the White House. His design and artwork has been displayed in museums, featured in juried shows, and graced publications in the U.S. and abroad.

When not traveling the world (45 countries and counting) for client onsites, keynote presentations, and quality beach time, Joey enjoys watching magnificent sunsets from his mountaintop home in Colorado with his wife and 19-month-old son.

I have spoken to entrepreneurial audiences in the past that included restaurant owners and managers in the audience. These weren't industry specific events, but rather events attended by those in the restaurant business.

In terms of how my methods would apply to a restaurant chain, I'm happy to share an example from my keynote:

According to the Restaurant Marketing Group (2001), 46% of customers that visit a Chuck E. Cheese restaurant for the first time, NEVER go back. After all of the work the restaurant put into marketing, advertising, and promoting their store/brand/offering, almost HALF of new customers try it once and never again. This isn't unique to Chuck E. Cheese and can also be seen in the way customers flood to a newly opened restaurant in the first week or two, and yet it's easy to get a table in week four. Getting repeat business and referral business is a real challenge and can be the make or break point for a restaurant. The First 100 Days methodology I will share will teach restaurant owners and managers how to turn their first time customers into raving fans that keep coming back for more and convince their friends and colleagues to do the same. In a customized keynote for this audience, I would share specific ways that restaurants can interact with new customers, build personal and emotional connections, and keep them coming back for more. My presentation would include examples from within and outside the restaurant industry and would be filled with clear, specific action steps that the attendees could put into practice starting the next day that would dramatically impact their repeat and referral business.

I usually recommend the First 100 Days keynote because it's applicable to all industries and is something that most people haven't thought about before, but once explained see as a gaping hole in their business strategy/operations. As such, the impact is usually quite significant. In terms of The Power of Experience, that talk usually plays better to more traditional industries that are just ramping up their customer experience efforts. I customize it to the audience but find that the most forward thinking companies relate to the First 100 Days presentation more.

I'm also working on a new presentation called: The Changing Face of the Customer: How the Customer Will Be the Next Great Disruptor in Your Industry. This presentation will look at the way customers are forcing companies to "up their game" based on their use of more forward thinking consumer brands like Amazon, Zappos, Uber, AirBnB, etc. I'll have an abstract ready for this in the next 30 days or so and will send it your way if you think it's something your clients might be interested in

Joey Coleman
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