The volume of knowledge is doubling every eight years. Batteries will dominate the world of transportation going forward. 24 hour solar power plants are the future. Drones...
Here’s a clip to get you thinking! Success doesn’t just come from great ideas and innovation – it also comes from your ability to marshall together unique and critical skills...
"Welcome to tomorrow, a land of infinite opportunities!" – #Futurist Jim Carroll
My job? I'm really just a tour guide – one that involves time travel! Not always looking back...
Why is this so? What should you do? Here’s a few clips to get you thinking!
Learn how to deal with these challenges by visiting my Innovation Killers resource page.
The post...
"If I tell you all at once, your head might explode!" – #Futurist Jim Carroll
The scope of the future can be staggering, and some people in my audiences struggle with that...
"A healthy fear of failure is just an ingredient for eventual success!" – Futurist Jim Carroll
Remember that phrase fail early, fail often?
History has taught us that...
The rapid evolution of genomic science, the acceleration of gene therapy, the virtualization of healthcare with medical device connectivity, the changing nature of the...
“To supercharge your creativity, fire up your internal rebelalyzer!" – Futurist Jim Carroll
If it's not a word, it should be!
And if you are going to be a rebel, you'd...
"Instead of saying it can't be done – do something else!" – #Futurist Jim Carroll
The easiest thing in the world is to fall into a creative rut; to run out of steam; to...
I’m killing some time waiting for my flight in Paris’s Charles de Gaulle airport, and with a little bit of jet-lag, needed to keep myself awake.
With that in mind, here’s a...
"It's the unknown and the unforeseen that will get you every time!" -#Futurist Jim Carroll
I'm in Paris this morning, and in just a few hours will spend time with the...
"If your dilemma is making a decision – make a decision!" #Futurist Jim Carroll
Indecision is the root of all evil. At least, it impedes your progress, holds back your...