Ian Altman News & Updates
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June 13, 2017

Fired Or Promoted? 3 Ways Top Executives Evaluate Employees

Key traits employers look for when deciding whether to fire an employee, or whether to move him up.
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June 06, 2017

Discover Your Biggest Business Advantage -- Empathy

Being empathetic can lead to better communication, better collaboration and better results
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May 23, 2017

Here's How To Know If A Prospective Employer Is The Right Fit For You

Not every opportunity is the right opportunity. Here's how to know if a company you're courting is a keeper.
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May 16, 2017

Are Salespeople Becoming Obsolete?

As more organizations move to automate, experts believe the role of salespeople will drastically change. But will it go the way of the BlackBerry?
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May 09, 2017

How The Most Successful Presenters Pitch Their Ideas

Use this simple four-part framework to wow audiences the next time you pitch your business ideas.
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April 29, 2017

Going Viral Should Never Be The Goal

Why creating marketing messages that resonate and move customers to take action should be a marketer's top priorities.
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April 11, 2017

How This Hidden Bias Could Be Sabotaging Your Success

This closet tendency could be the reason why you're not hitting your sales goals.
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April 04, 2017

The Most Successful People In Business Do This

Investing time in their own learning is the best investment they say they've ever made.
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Total Pages: 10