Herb Cohen | Best-Selling Author and Negotiation Expert

Herb Cohen

Best-Selling Author and Negotiation Expert

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Herb Cohen

Herb Cohen has been a practicing negotiator for the past four decades, intimately enmeshed in some of the world's headline dramas - from hostile takeovers to hostage negotiations. His clients have included business executives, entrepreneurs, sports and theatrical agents plus large corporations as well as governmental agencies, such as the Department of State, F.B.I., CIA, The U.S. Conference of Mayors and The U.S. Department of Justice.

While serving as an adviser to Presidents Carter and Reagan on combating terrorism, he was involved in the Iranian Hostage Crisis and credited with helping to shape the government's response to the skyjacking of TWA Flight 847 and the seizure of the Achille Lauro. His input and advice has been sought by the White House on a myriad of problems such as The Gulf Crisis, The seizure of the Japanese Embassy in Lima, Peru and, The Camp David Mideast Peace Talks.

Unlike many theorists, he was actively involved in the negotiations that settled both the N.F.L. Football Player's Strike and the General Motors Chevymobile Litigation and also participated in the START Arms Control Negotiations with the Soviet Union.

As a result of his extensive practical experience and unique presentation style, Mr. Cohen is internationally renowned as someone who can articulate and explain complex events both for information as well as entertainment.

Herb Cohen's analysis, insights and humorous view of many of these high-level happenings have appeared in many international publications, and he himself has been the subject of articles in numerous publications such as TIME magazine, PEOPLE, the ECONOMIST, THE NEW YORKER, NEWSWEEK, FORTUNE SMALL BUSINESS, ROLLING STONE and even PLAYBOY magazines. In these writings he has been called the "World's Best Negotiator" and referred to as "America's foremost convention speaker, presenting serious subjects with such humor and dramatic flair that they become pure entertainment".

He is the author of YOU CAN NEGOTIATE ANYTHING, which was on the New York Times bestseller list for nearly a year and has been translated into twenty-one languages.

After two decades his new book Negotiate This, By Caring But Not T-H-A-T Much was published by Warner Books in Mid-September, 2003. Written in the same humorous style as his first book, it's a must read for not only business people but parents, politicians and consumers. In fact, it's for everyone who wants to establish and maintain mutually beneficial relationships.

Herb and his wife Ellen have been married for over 40 years. Their children are Sharon, an attorney with the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Southern District of N.Y., Steve, formerly with the same office but now a partner in a New York Law Firm and Rich who is the author of Tough Jews, The Avengers, Lake Effect, and Machers and Rockers.

Thus far, the Cohen's' have eight grandchildren with another on the way.

Herb Cohen
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You Can Negotiate Anything

For at least forty years I have referred to negotiating as a game, where you should care, really care…..but not t-h-a-t much. Based upon my personal experience and observation of others, it struck me early in my career, that when a negotiator had an overwhelming need to make a good deal he or she was handicapped.

When you care too much and are over-invested emotionally, there is an increased flow of adrenalin which causes you to become doped-up and dumbed­-down. This results in loss of perspective, impaired judgment and a focus on failure.

However, if you have a viable option or other alternatives you can maintain your cool and confidence. And people always have confidence in confident people.

So always try to keep your composure and a detached view – – distancing yourself from your natural impulses and emotions. This relaxed attitude (a balance between irrational exuberance and utter despair) can provide a bulwark against the onset of stress producing emotions (self-doubt, anxiety and hostility) – – a psychological shield between the ego and the aggressiveness of others.

In short, your mantra should be, I CARE —, REALLY CARE, BUT NOT T-H-A-T MUCH.

Concession Making

Concessions should always be yielded grudgingly. Conceding too easily or too soon will raise the expectations of the other side and result in their taking what you’ve done for granted.  Following are some additional principles: PROCESS or “HOW” CONCESSIONS count. Never bid against yourself. You must be able to justify and explain your opening or risk losing credibility.  Be aware of your pattern of concession-making behavior. Move in diminishing steps, starting with your largest concession, followed by a smaller one and then the smallest. This signals that your best and final offer is being approached.  Don’t give specific concessions against vague indications or general insinuations. When you offer a “WHAT CONCESSION” make sure your counterpart realizes it’s a sacrifice on your part. Moreover, they must labor for it and are expected to reciprocate.  Try not respond to their concessions or questions. Slow down and appear more thoughtful.  Don’t rush your reply to their concessions or questions. Slow down and appear more thoughtful.  The timing of your “last and final offer” determines its credibility. E.G. THE PROXIMITY RULE. Assume that the other side always has to go back for final approval. Hence help them with the packaging so they not only “save face” but appear to have done well.

Persuading, Principles and Precepts

Permanency exists only in the constant continuity of change, yet we are not prepared for that which is totally new. It takes time to adapt, and each one of these personal adjustments can bring on a crisis of self-esteem.

Herb Cohen
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