Daniel Burrus News & Updates
Recent Updates

September 11, 2019

Humanizing Your Digital Communications

Video conferencing has been around for a long time. The equipment is usually kept in a special room, always booked by executives due to the high value they derive in using it to...
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September 09, 2019

Today’s CIO: The Chief Innovation Officer- Daniel Burrus

Today’s world of business is not just changing—it’s transforming. The difference is that change is doing something in an incrementally different way, while transformation is...
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Topics:   Innovation ,   Business ,   Author ,   Technology
September 04, 2019

5G Entrepreneurs Creating Billion-Dollar Businesses

Within the next five years New multibillion-dollar businesses will appear that didn't exist before due to 5G wireless technology. Because of this, many industries will either be...
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August 28, 2019

Auto Insurance Industry: Disruptor or Disrupted?

Today, we have fully electric vehicles with AI-enabled semi-autonomous features, as well as fully autonomous vehicle applications. But how has this affected auto insurance...
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Topics:   Futurists ,   Business
August 21, 2019

Disruptor Watch -- How Disruptors Can Learn From Their Forebears

In today's economic landscape, many companies look to be the "disruptor" instead of the "disrupted." They want to identify a new niche in their industries or solve a problem...
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August 07, 2019

Time Travel Audit: Find Success Now and in the Future

You don't need a DeLorean for time travel. For example, you can visit remote parts of the Amazon River and meet people who live just as they did a thousand years ago, using...
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Topics:   Futurists
July 31, 2019

Positive Disruption using Hard Trends and Soft Trends

Strategies based on uncertainty come with high levels of risk, but strategies based on certainty dramatically reduce risk and produce superior results. This is the difference...
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Topics:   Futurists
July 24, 2019

Apollo 11 Moon Landing - Doing the Impossible

As I travel around the world as a strategic advisor and keynote speaker, I have the privilege of meeting many amazing people, including presidents, prime ministers, and Fortune...
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Topics:   Futurists
July 17, 2019

The Dangers of Legacy Thinking

Every successful company and organization inevitably must confront a powerful question: Is what got us to where we are helping us move forward or holding us back? Your...
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Topics:   Futurists
July 10, 2019

Redefine and Reinvent Your Career Before It Leaves You Behind

We are no longer in a period of rapid change. We have now entered an amazing inflection point where true transformation happens. For example, we changed how we listened to music...
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Topics:   Futurists
July 03, 2019

Future Insight: Changing the World with an Anticipatory Mindset

We are at a unique point in human history, marked by accelerating global change and enhanced by technological advances. We are always doing the impossible. Agile organizations...
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July 02, 2019

Today’s CTO: The Chief Transformation Officer- Daniel Burrus

In the past, I suggested that the role of the CIO needs to shift from that of a Chief Information Officer to a Chief Innovation Officer, largely due to the rapid, multiple...
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Topics:   Technology ,   Innovation
Total Pages: 17