Dan Thurmon News & Updates
Recent Updates

October 14, 2018

Enough Already

What is the downside of the pursuit of improvement? What unintended consequences or erroneous conclusions could actually transform your best intentions into self-inflicted...
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October 08, 2018

Artful Living

Are you approaching your job and your life as an artistic contribution? This week, Dan will help you enhance your expression and impact in order to gain powerful external and...
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October 01, 2018

Connecting Work and Family

How do you withstand the challenges of a demanding job while also maintaining loving family relationships? Rather than try to “protect” your time, “connect” what matters most....
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September 24, 2018

Hearing and Heeding

Are you hearing what your life is trying so desperately to tell you? This short video will help you amplify your ability to hear what truly matters and discern your critical...
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September 17, 2018

Your Most Important Relationship

What is your most important relationship? This week, Dan offers insights to help you clarify that answer and improve your relationship with … well, you.
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September 09, 2018

Slow and Steady

Is the fast way always the best way? Or could it be that by waiting for an easier way, you could be missing out on significant growth and success? This week, Dan will help you...
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September 03, 2018

Getting Off the Fence - How to Make Tough Decisions

How do you make a decision when you’re experiencing indecision? In this three minute video, Dan shares four techniques to move from uncertainty to a confident and well informed...
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August 27, 2018

Fully Engage - Get in the Game

The fastest and most effective way to improve your results is to increase your level of engagement. In the video, filmed at the site of the 2002 Winter Olympics, Dan teaches...
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August 20, 2018

Escaping Mental Prison

Are you trapped in a prison of your own thinking? And if so, what is the “key” to your release? Hall of fame speaker, bestselling author and POW Vietnam Veteran, Captain...
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August 13, 2018

1,000 Catches

Do you view discipline as a punishment or as an opportunity to grow? Becoming disciplined to do what’s necessary is the skill that separates those who accomplish their goals...
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August 06, 2018


What does it take to make a real breakthrough? This week, Dan shares three steps to getting past your current limitations and on the path to excellence.
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July 30, 2018

Talent and Tenacity

Warning: Being told you are “talented” may actually be harmful to your success. This week, Dan introduces you to another extraordinary human being: Entrepreneur, circus...
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Total Pages: 20