Bruce Christopher | America's Foremost Enter'Trainer'

Bruce Christopher

America's Foremost Enter'Trainer'

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Travels From
Minnetonka, Minnesota, United States

Bruce Christopher

"Laugh 'til you cry. . .Learn 'til you change!" These are the only rules that apply at a Bruce Christopher presentation.

At the heart of it all, what separates Psychologist-Humorist Bruce Christopher from the rest of the pack is his outrageously funny and dynamic delivery of today's hot topics. He has captivated audiences internationally by giving them real and practical solutions for success, without fluff and hype.

Bruce Christopher's best selling topics consistently sell out to standing room only crowds at national conventions, corporate conferences and sales meetings. He has been honored to speak (twice!) at the exclusive Million Dollar Round Table Conference, the Royal College of Surgeons in London, the Mayo Clinic, and on the largest stage in the world.

Bruce Christopher has been called "America's foremost Enter--Trainer today" by the American Heart Association, he has been listed in the "Mission Possible" project as one of twelve great Americans to watch, and he is a Clinical Psychologist holding degrees in both Professional Psychology and Interpersonal Communication.

As a credentialed professional speaker, Bruce Christopher's client list comprises some of the best organizations in the world; he speaks over 150 times a year and is one of the most sought after speakers in the Fortune 500.

When you are faced with low morale, communication conflicts, customer service issues, managing change, the need for improved teamwork, or just need a great laugh and attitude adjustment. . . .this Psychologist is in!

Bruce Christopher
Featured Video

Current: Promo

Time 15:47

Bruce Christopher
Featured Keynote Programs


In this very humorous session, the audience learns the power of a positive attitude and the secrets only OPTIMISTS know! They will discover how attitude creates success, shapes moods, and is contagious. Great for employee motivation, sales and customer service training, stress, management, leadership and personal life attitude adjustments. Very funny, great stories, and excellent content.

Target this talk toward: Employee motivation, stressed out staff, and increasing organizational morale
and performance


At the heart of any business is relationships – between team members, customers, and supervisors. Excellent communicators have better relationships at work and home. They climb the ladder of success more effectively, and achieve greater success. It is no secret that communication runs our lives. This session takes a very hilarious look at how men and women think, speak, and make decisions differently. Turn your audience into great communicators! A popular favorite for general sessions or an hour of comedy.

Target this talk toward: Team building, sales and communications training, working together, or an hour of comedy and learning


There are three kinds of people: Those that make things happen, those that watch things happen, and those that say, “What happened?” Everyone secretly wants to be a mover and shaker, but fear of failure holds many prisoner. This highly interactive session will have the audience literally coming out of their seats by learning to leap from procrastinations and crash through comfort zones. Your group will learn how to make fears disappear, visualize goals, move forward and have fun doing it!

Target this talk toward: Individual & group motivation, team building & risk-taking, trying harder and
going farther


Not all managers are leaders, and not all leaders manage! Think about it. What does it take to lead the charge and pull ahead of the pack? It all begins with you and how comfortable you feel “in the saddle.” The art of leadership is knowing how to lead yourself to where you want others to follow. This entertaining seminar will teach you how to get on the horse, lead the charge, and bring others along with you.

Target this talk toward: Management and supervisor training, enhanced employee esteem and performance

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Bruce Christopher

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