Beth Houf | Co-Author of "Lead Like a P.I.R.A.T.E." and National Distinguished Principal

Beth Houf

Co-Author of "Lead Like a P.I.R.A.T.E." and National Distinguished Principal

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Travels From
Columbia, Missouri

Beth Houf


Beth Houf is the proud principal of Capital City High School in Jefferson City, Missouri. She is the Co-Author of Lead Like a PIRATE: Make School Amazing for Your Students and Staff. Beth serves as a facilitator for the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Leadership Academy, providing monthly training to state educational leaders. She is active in her local, state and national principal associations. Beth has served as an adjunct professor at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri. She is currently pursuing her doctorate at the University of Missouri. Beth co-facilitates the NASSP Women in School Leadership Network and is a member of the NASSP Board of Directors.

Beth was named a Missouri Exemplary New Principal in 2011, the Missouri National Distinguished Principal for 2016, the 2019 National Association of Secondary School Principals Digital Principal of the Year, the EducationDive 2019 Principal of the Year, the 2021-2022 Missouri Secondary School Principal of the Year and the 2022 NASSP Principal of the Year. Beth also serves as a principal advisor for Future Ready Schools and is a Solution Tree PLC at Work Associate. 

Beth’s proudest accomplishments are her two sons, Paul and Dawson. She has been honored to help lead schools that both have attended. 

Beth Houf
Featured Keynote Programs

From Surviving to Thriving as a School Leader

In a field of serving others, how often do we take time to take care of ourselves? Join Beth as she shares productivity and wellness practices to help us not only survive, but to thrive as school leaders.

Lead Like a PIRATE

Learn dynamic strategies to dramatically transform culture and build schools where students and staff run to get in, not out. This motivational workshop demonstrates how to take the revolutionary ideas from Teach Like a PIRATE and supercharge them for educational leaders. You will walk away from this program with the courage and practical ideas to become the kind of leader you’ve always hoped you could be.

Through a highly interactive and fun session, participants will learn to:

Harness  PASSION  and encourage risk-taking in their schools.

IMMERSE  themselves in the work that makes the biggest impact on student and staff learning.

Build  RAPPORT  and relationships  grounded in trust.

ANALYZE  lessons and  ASK  great questions in order to provide rich feedback that helps move learning forward.

Dramatically  TRANSFORM  school culture.

Lead with  ENTHUSIASM  that is contagious.

Leaders will walk away from this workshop with the tools they need to build a PIRATE culture, strategies and a coaching model they can implement tomorrow, and the confidence they need to make school AMAZING.

Through our intense commitment to staying connected, participants can also expect ongoing collaboration and support as they are encouraged to participate in weekly leadership challenges uniquely designed to support them in taking steps to becoming PIRATE leaders.

LeadLAP Individual Sessions:
LeadLAP Individual Sessions:

Time frames of these sessions might be adjusted to fit your needs.

- Immersion: Make Time to Lead
- Rapport with Students and Staff
- Coach Like a PIRATE: ANCHOR Conversations
- PD Like a PIRATE: Transform Your Professional Development
- Transforming Leadership: More BAM and Less Blah!
- Enthusiastic Leadership
- Transforming the Hiring Process: Attaining and Retaining the Best Crew!

FaceTweetInstaSnap What?!?! - Rethinking Social Media to BOOST School Culture

Join Beth in an enthusiastic and engaging session on unleashing the power of social media to share the story of your school! Learn tools to improve communication, bust through roadblocks of implementation and empower students and staff to join you on your journey!

Session participants will learn how to:

- Utilize different social media platforms to share the story of what happens in their schools each day

- Share the stories of their school each day through the social media platforms

- Engage staff and students to help tell the story of the school

- Work through roadblocks that may arise with social media and schools

Beth Houf
Featured Book

Lead Like a PIRATE: Make School AMAZING for Your Students and Staffby Beth Houf

Lead Like a PIRATE: Make School AMAZING for Your Students and Staff

by Beth Houf

Are You a Treasure Seeker?

Pirates are on a constant quest for riches, but PIRATE Leaders seek even greater rewards: amazing schools, engaged students, and empowered educators who know they are making a difference.

In Lead Like a PIRATE, education leaders Shelley Burgess and Beth Houf map out the character traits necessary to captain a school or district. You'll learn where to find the treasure that's already in your classrooms and schools--and how to bring out the very best in your educators.

What does it take to be a PIRATE Leader?

Passion--both professional and personal

A willingness to Immerse yourself in your work

Good Rapport with your staff, students and community

The courage to Ask questions and Analyze what is and isn't working

The determination to seek positive Transformation

And the kind of Enthusiasm that gets others excited about education

The ultimate goal for any education leader is to create schools and districts where students and staff are knocking down the doors to get in rather than out. This book will equip and encourage you to be relentless in your quest to make school amazing for your students, staff, parents, and communities.

Are you ready to set sail?


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Beth Houf

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