Matt Modleski | Maximizing Potential Through Strategy in Sales, Leadership and Life

Matt Modleski

Maximizing Potential Through Strategy in Sales, Leadership and Life

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Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

Matt Modleski

Matt Modleski knows what high performance is; he flew as a Demonstration Pilot on the United States Air Force Thunderbirds. Matt enlisted in the Air Force at the age of 17 with dreams of one day flying fighters. He began his career as a jet engine mechanic and then served as an air traffic controller before attending flight training. Let his tumultuous 15 year journey to the Thunderbirds focus and inspire your team.

Matt retired from the Air Force in September, 2000 and formed Pure Vertical Success. In November of 2006 he merged Pure Vertical Success with Stovall Grainger. The result has been a company that is focused on helping others use the following formula to achieve high performance both personally and professionally:

Strategy + Inspiration/Motivation + Leadership = High Performance

His presentations on all elements of this formula made so much sense to his best customer, Roche Diagnostics, that they offered him a full-time job. Matt worked there as a Sales Executive for almost 5 years and also served as the Vice President of Sales for a second company in the healthcare industry. His combination of experiences in aviation and corporate America give his presentations strength and uniqueness that will impact your team long after he has finished working with them.

Matt Modleski
Featured Keynote Programs

Active Leadership

In order to set strategy, we must first have a clear objective. At Pure Vertical Success we believe the objective in leadership is simple: its loyal followers. We don't mix management objectives with leadership objectives because the result would be a compromised leadership strategy. With a focus clearly on leading people with activities that are aligned to support your strategy, we will raise your leadership performance to hit all of your objectives!

Whether speaking to a group, or working one-on-one with you, the goal is to simply make you a better leader by helping you execute a clearly articulated leadership strategy.

Before choosing a speaker or consultant, ask this question, "what have they successfully led"? We believe real-world experience and achieving "leadership success" proves "Active Leadership" works. Put it to work for you and your team now.

Team and Individual Performance

By the time we are adults, our natural talents are embedded in us. Like any other strategic process, your Personal Strategy for Success should be based on the unique strengths you possess. Then, if those strengths are maximized, the sky is the limit for what you can achieve.

We feel most people learn best when concepts are explained with real-life examples and we use our own experiences as well as those of our clients to bring "life" to our programs. Whether describing the challenges on the journey to the USAF Thunderbirds or how a personal strategy has helped achieve success in the business world and beyond, you and your group will be inspired to push to a higher level of focus and achievement with strategy and passion.


The "Path to Success" is a compelling call to focus on the big dream in your life with strategy and commitment. Matt talks about his own dream of flying for the Air Force Thunderbirds and how that journey took many turns that seemed like detours until the power of visualization and the power of faith made the detours make sense. Matt will use video from his time inside a Thunderbird jet to illustrate his points and he will engage your audience to participate in his presentation. DVD's of an introduction to this presentation can be obtained from Premier Speakers or directly from Stovall Grainger at

Matt Modleski
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Matt Modleski

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