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February 17, 2017

The Best Thing for Your Kids is for You to Leave

by Ted Lowe The best thing for your kids is for you to leave . . . for the night . . . with your spouse. We all love our kids and want what’s best for them. We sign...
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February 16, 2017

3 Reasons Not To Be Homeowners Before Marriage

More and more young couples are buying a house together before saying ‘I do.’ Save yourself a lot of heartache by avoiding the new trend of millennial couples who are buying...
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February 15, 2017

Are My Money Personalities From My Parents?

When we talk with people about their Money Personalities, someone always asks us how they happened to get them. Are they born with them? Is it how they were raised? The...
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February 02, 2017

3 Saving Strategies To Get Your Kid Out of The House And In College

Aside from retirement, sending your kids to college is probably the largest expense that you will experience. Even the politicians are saying, “College is not affordable....
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December 05, 2016

Michael Reagan relays values learned from his father

Through two brief moments of silence, Michael Reagan, son of the late U.S. President Ronald Reagan and his first wife Jane Wyman, powerfully expressed both the need to be...
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October 25, 2016

How to Reframe Your Fear and Let It Work For You

Do you ever get uneasy—or even afraid—when you’re close to achieving something big in your life? I do. In our recent relaunch of Platform University, for instance, we...
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October 05, 2016

TV host reveals why she saved sex until marriage -- and how she lives her faith in the spotlight

It’s rare to find a well-known media personality who openly discusses abstinence, which is why “Inside Edition” correspondent Megan Alexander’s candid approach to the topic...
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September 20, 2016

Attack of the Mean Mommy (beware the false hope-bearers)

Constance Rhodes: Recovering Approval Junkie
By Constance Rhodes
Recovering Approval Junkie
This morning I googled “hope,” looking for the perfect image to accompany this post. Instead, I found myriad counterfeit hope-bearers – everything from pictures of stone...
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September 20, 2016

Why "Everybody Just Get Along" Isn't a Good Long-term Strategy for a Healthy Family

In working with family-owned businesses for several years now, I’ve seen one pattern of relating that consistently doesn’t work over the long term.  In many families there...
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September 20, 2016

Fair may not feel equal

Live so that when your children think of fairness and integrity, they think of you.(H. Jackson Brown Jr.) The term “fair” has been thrown around so much (particularly...
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September 20, 2016

Fixing the Damage Done From Yelling at Your Kids

Meg Meeker: The Wisdom of a Pediatrician. The Heart of a Mother
By Meg Meeker
The Wisdom of a Pediatrician. The Heart of a Mother
Let’s face it. We’re all guilty of saying things to our kids that we’d give anything to take back. And worse, many of us have yelled nasty things too. So is there anything...
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September 19, 2016

The Greatest Enemy of Every Marriage

What is the opposite of Love?  If you said Hate, well, I hate to disagree with you, but I’m convinced that the opposite of love is really selfishness.  And in marriage,...
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Total Pages: 29