Rick bent over backwards to help us any way that he could. Our board members were beside themselves at his message. He truly is someone who we would recommend to any organization and we already are looking down the road to book him again!
Rick Burgess is the cohost of the nationally syndicated radio show, “The Rick Burgess Show.” (He previously co-hosted “The Rick and Bubba” show for 31 years.) He has authored “Sin Always Matters: The Cost of Sin and the Power of Grace” and “Transformed: Embracing the Death of Self and the Power of God,” as well as co-authoring coauthored multiple New York Times bestselling books and the “How To Be A Man” series of devotionals. As a commentator and guest, Rick has appeared on various radio and television shows, including Fox and Friends and the Sean Hannity Show. Rick is a frequent speaker at church services and marriage conferences, but his true passion is men’s ministry. As Founder of “The Man Church,” Rick calls on the modern church to put into practice what they say every Father’s Day, that a man’s family will follow him if he leads them.
Rick has been married to the former Sherri Bodine since 1996. Rick’s Spirit-filled message at his youngest son’s memorial service was the most-watched YouTube video in the world the week it was posted.
Message for men that drives home the irreplaceable impact that a husband and father have in the home. Rick discusses what it was like to lead his family through the nightmare of his 2 and a half year old son's death. This message speaks directly to the Biblical role of a father and husband as spiritual leader of the home.
A Message to challenge the church about choosing the world over Christ. Rick takes the audience to the scene where the crowd is asked to choose Jesus or Barabbas and relates it to the choices we make everyday on our lives.
This message takes on cultural Christianity and walks the the Bible speaking to the difference in obedience verses legalism
Perfect for sports banquets. Rick challenges all athletes to play for an audience of One and to look to the men of the Bible as heroes not famous sports figures.