Barbara Glanz | The Employee Motivation Expert, Author of The Simple Truths of Service—Inspired by Johnny the Bagger

Barbara Glanz

The Employee Motivation Expert, Author of The Simple Truths of Service—Inspired by Johnny the Bagger

Barbara Glanz


Barbara Glanz, CSP, CPAE, works with organizations that want to improve morale, retention, and service and with people who want to rediscover the joy in their work and in their lives. She is the author of twelve bestselling "how-to" books:

The Simple Truths of Service Inspired by Johnny the Bagger (Co-authored with Ken Blanchard)
The Simple Truths of Appreciation--How Each of Us Can Choose to Make a Difference
180 Ways to Spread Contagious Enthusiasm
Priceless Gifts - Using What God's Given You to Bless Others
CARE Packages for the Workplace--Dozens of Little Things You Can Do to Regenerate Spirit at Work
Handle with CARE--Motivating and Retaining Employees
CARE Packages for Your Customers--An Idea a Week for Customer Service
CARE Packages for the Home--Dozens of Ways to Regenerate Spirit Where You Live
Balancing Acts--More Than 250 Guiltfree, Creative Ideas to Blend your Work and your Life
Building Customer Loyalty--How YOU Can Help Keep Customers Returning
The Creative Communicator--399 Tools to Communicate Commitment Without Boring People to Death!

She is known as "the business speaker who speaks to your heart as well as to your head," and she has presented to conferences, associations, and organizations worldwide. Here are some other interesting facts about Barbara:

* Inducted into the Speaker Hall of Fame (CPAE Council of Peers Award for Excellence) in August 2011
* Voted "best keynote presenter you have heard or used" by Meetings & Conventions Magazine, July 2010
* Selected as a "Legend of the Speaking Profession" by the Veteran Speakers, August 2010
* Has presented on all 7 continents and in all 50 states
* One of fewer than 600 Certified Speaking Professionals worldwide
* Has a Master's Degree in Adult Education
* Former Manager of Training and Director of Quality in Training for Kaset International, a 30 year old Times Mirror training company specializing in Customer Service
* Ranked one of the top speakers since 1997 at the Society for Human Resource Management national conference
* Featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX-TV, PAX-TV, WGN, CNBC, and on radio and in print nationwide

More than just an exciting speaker, consultant, and author, Barbara has three additional "claims to fame": her great-grandfather laid the cornerstone where the four states come together (Page, Arizona, is named after him); she played the piano on the TV show "Talent Sprouts"; and she directed David Hasselhof of "Knight Rider", "Baywatch" and "America's Got Talent" fame in his first high school play! Barbara lives and breathes her personal motto, "Spreading Contagious Enthusiasm. "

Barbara Glanz
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Time 07:51

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Barbara Glanz
Featured Keynote Programs

Is Incivility the New Norm? Create a Culture of Kindness in your Organization

Our world is in desperate need of more compassion, caring, and kindness. Civility and common courtesy are seeming to go by the wayside because we are all just too busy. Just the smallest acts of kindness can make a huge difference in your workplace and in people's lives and can raise not only your profits but the level of goodness in the world. And it can begin with YOU!

As we become more technologically advanced, busier. and more stressed than ever before, we often don't see the opportunities around us every day to be kind. Our workplaces, our cities, and our homes are in desperate need of more simple kindness and caring.

Come and learn an acronym to awaken you to those chances to make a small difference in someone's day and ultimately, our world:

K = Kinesthetic
I = Imaginative
N = Neighborly
D = Deliberate

You will leave with many inspirational, concrete and simple ways to change your culture and your lives to ones of kindness and caring. Not only will it impact your bottom line, but it will also add more purpose and joy to each day of your life and the lives of others with whom you interact.


* Explore new research on Kindness and understand both the advantages of being kind as well as the reasons we are often unkind.

* Become aware of all the opportunities to be kind in everyday circumstances and recognize the CHOICES you have in every interaction to make a difference.

* Experience an acronym for KIND that will be an anchor to instill this culture change, person by person.

* Learn specific behaviors that leaders can practice to encourage a culture of kindness.

* Experience many low cost or no-cost creative ideas that individuals and organizations are currently practicing to create a better, kinder workplace and world.

* Be inspired to commit to your own acts of kindness.

Adult Learning
What Adult Learners Want--Planning Educational Programs that Produce Results OR Adding 'High Touch' to Your 'High Tech' Training

Anyone who does any kind of presenting or meeting planning needs to understand the principles of Adult Learning in order to design presentations and meetings that will truly impact attendees. It is critical to be able to identify the five things all adult learners want in a program and then to be knowledgeable about the specific tools and techniques to meet those needs:

To enjoy the learning
To apply the knowledge to himself/herself
To communicate the knowledge to someone else
To feel confidence in the presenter
To be respected by the presenter.
Presenters and meeting planners also need to understand the four different adult learning styles and how to appeal to each in specific programming. By creating an experience that appeals to all four learning styles through brightly-colored laminated flipcharts on the walls, unforgettable stories, humor, cartoons, music, creative visuals, and interactive exercises, Barbara will demonstrate programs that cause behavior change and truly make a difference.

Utilizing her Masters' degree in Adult Education and her experience as a Certified Speaking Professional, Barbara will share the theory behind adult learning as well as many specific tools and techniques to apply that theory as she creatively and enthusiastically models the five things all adult learners want.

Blending Work and Family
Balancing Acts--Guiltfree, Creative Ideas to Blend Your Work and Your Life OR CARE Packages for the Home--Dozens of Ways to Regenerate Spirit Where You Live

Did you know?

88% of us say we work very hard, and that hard work causes negative spillover into the rest of our lives.
26% of American workers feel emotionally drained by their jobs.
28% don’t have energy to do things with family or others.
36% just feel used up at the end of the day
Aon Consulting’s America @ Work study found that of 17 factors that correlate significantly to workforce commitment, salary did not make the top 10. The top thing employees said affected their commitment to their employer was “an employer’s recognition of the importance of personal and family time.”

The truth is clear – we all want a life! A survey commissioned by the Merck Family Fund entitled “Yearning for Balance” found that people commonly say that spending more time with family and friends, reducing stress, and doing more to make a difference in their communities will bring their lives more into balance and make them more satisfying.

Despite statistics that indicate family time is a high priority for over 80% of both men and women (HR Magazine, July 2000), everyone seem to be in “survival” mode – rushing from long hours at work to be home, bouncing from activity to activity and stressor to stressor!

In this presentation Barbara tells us to FORGET BALANCE because we will never be in balance but instead to take the energy we spend on feeling guilty and use it to creatively blend the other areas of our lives –Family, Friends, Health, Spirit and Service – into our Work. She will stimulate your creative juices to find healthy ways to incorporate aspects of your home life into your work life in two ways:

Ideas that each INDIVIDUAL can adopt in order to create a more wholesome and satisfying life for himself/herself
Ideas that the ORGANIZATION can promote and champion in their worklife programs, management styles, and policies and procedures
Barbara will share dozens of creative, immediately applicable, no-cost or low cost ideas to help this blending happen, making this presentation a great experience for both employees and employers. These programs can be designed for business organizations, spouse programs, or women’s groups.

Creative Communication
Apathy Busters--Communication Ideas that Get the Point Across! OR Survival Skills for a Changing Environment--Creative Ways to Differentiate Yourself in the Workplace

For many organizations, communication has become a deep rut full of dreary memos, dismal meetings, and negative feedback. The result is unhappy, apathetic employees and ultimately poor customer service.

A recent study by the Chicago Tribune shows that the average worker spends over 50 hours a week communicating in some way, and Business Week reported that the average American worker gets 274 communications every day. Since we are bombarded by piles of paper, hundreds of e-mail messages, and full voice mail boxes, the only way to get our messages heard is to surprise people. The more creatively a message is sent, the greater the chance that the message will be noticed and heeded!

Using dozens of real-life examples and easily implementable action ideas in such areas as rewards and recognition, day-to-day appreciation, enhancements and reminders, recoveries, measurements, and personal executive actions, Barbara will reawaken the creative spirit in your organization and help both employees and managers find more positive, meaningful ways to communicate whether it is written, electronic, or face-to-face communication.

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