Your Level of Conviction

Are You Truly Convicted?

What’s your current level of conviction about your industry and the products you offer? Do you believe 100% in the industry you represent? How about the products you’re offering?

There’s a maxim in the sales industry: “You can’t sell from an empty wagon.” What does that saying mean to you?

The idea it conveys is that if you want to excel in the sales profession, you must have something of value to sell (or at least believe you have something of value.) Potential clients must perceive that value before they will trade you their money for it. It is even more important that you, the sales professional, perceive and believe in that value first.

Do you think it is possible that some salespeople sell products or services they don’t believe in? The truth is that many salespeople are not fully convinced of the value of their products or services, of their pricing structure, that their company provides quality customer service or has the best interests of their clients in mind, or that their sales manager or company management is competent.

What do you believe about your company and your industry? This is time for some serious thought. Your level of conviction about what you offer to clients and potential clients directly affects your compensation. In fact, your compensation is a mirror reflection of the amount of service you give.

Most people find it difficult to provide good service if they don’t believe in what their products do for their clients. Your level of conviction also directly affects your job satisfaction. It directly affects your internal access to your sales potential. If you don’t feel great about what you do, you will subconsciously limit your ability to truly excel in your endeavors.

Source: Tom Hopkins

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