Tom Blaisse | President of TFB Consulting, Professional Speaker, Actor, Director, Poet, Singer & Songwriter

Tom Blaisse

President of TFB Consulting, Professional Speaker, Actor, Director, Poet, Singer & Songwriter

Fee Range
Travels From
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States

Tom Blaisse

Formerly one of Franklin Covey Company's highest rated trainers, Tom Blaisse brings more than 25 years of knowledge and experience from a variety of industries including financial, manufacturing, technology, hospitality, pharmaceutical, health care and government. Some of Tom's clients have been ExxonMobil, General Electric, Morgan Stanley, US Airways, Target Stores, BMW, US Navy, Pfizer, Willis Insurance, Alcoa, Deloitte and the Touche, and the American Red Cross. Blessed with a natural gift for inspiring and connecting with people, Tom's audience members leave his presentations feeling energized, renewed, and committed to ''turning on their own lights, so they can shine a little brighter.'' Tom's engaging, humorous, and energetic presentation style creates a fun, upbeat, and thought provoking learning environment that motivates people to discover, and act on, their own needs for professional improvement and personal change. Attendees leave Tom's events empowered to implement new ideas and behaviors that will lead them to greater results. Tom is passionate about his message and his mission. With the soul of a teacher, the heart of a counselor, and the style of an actor, Tom believes in what he says; practices what he preaches, and cares deeply about those whose lives he touches. Armed with a Bachelor's Degree in Theatre and Speech Communications from De Sales University in Allentown, PA, Tom taught high school English, Speech and Drama while completing his Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology from Rider University in Trenton, NJ. He began his HRD career with Asset Center/Wilson Learning of Philadelphia, where he developed and delivered workshops in Leadership; Behavioral Styles and Consultative Selling. From there Tom served as the Director of Training and Development for HE&R (Hershey Entertainment & Resort Company) where he won an award from Training Magazine for an article he wrote entitled "Back to Basics: the Simplicity of Supervision." Through the '90's, to the present, Tom has delivered more than 3000 presentations and workshops to more than 100,000 people on the topics of Time and Stress Management, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Business Writing, Presentation Skills, Peak Performance, Effective Communications, Personal and Team Accountability, and Managing Personal and Organizational Change. Tom is President of TFB Consulting and is also a certified Executive Facilitator for Forum Corp.; Management Team Consultants; The Mind Gym, the Dering Consulting Group and Sherwood Learning, LLC.Tom is a published author (Stepping Up to the Plate) and a member of The National Speaker's Association, the American Society for Training and Development, and the Boy Scouts of America (Eagle Scout.) Avocationally, Tom is a poet, actor/director, singer and songwriter. He also serves as a Board Member of Broadway Classics Theater in Harrisburg, PA. In his spare time he enjoys swimming, tennis, music and the arts. Tom and his wife, Roberta, are very proud of their three successful adult children, Matthew, Michael and Beth.

Tom Blaisse
Featured Keynote Programs

If You Want to Get a Hit, You Need to Step Up to the Plate

(Personal Accountability)

Based on Tom’s motivational book, “Stepping Up to the Plate” the question people always ask is, “How can I achieve greater results?” The answer is simply, “Get into the game.” It doesn’t do any good to ‘sit on the bench’ and complain, point the finger, or procrastinate. The way to get more done, and to accomplishment your goals, is to keep “running the bases” by Knowing About It; Caring About It; Figuring it Out, and Making it Happen.

You Can't Get What You Want Until You Give Up What You Got

(Personal Change)

Life is like swinging on a trapeze. You must first let go of the one you are one before you can grab on to another one. However, fear is a stifling de-motivator. The Challenge of Change is letting go of that fear by modifying the “erroneous beliefs” that keep you stuck. Whether in business, personal, or family life, “change is the only constant.” Managing that Change means adapting a more pro-active approach to life and checking your “old baggage” at the door

The 'Hurrieder' You Go, The 'Behinder' You Get

(Time and Life Balance)

The old Amish expression reminds us that “slow is quicker” and “less is more.” Like a 1 year old child learning to walk, the faster we go, the greater the chance that we might lose our balance and fall down. Life requires planning, plodding and probing. We need to take time to have time, and we need to “unplug” to be more “empowered” long term. Applying the principles of Time and Stress Management improves your personal productivity and inter-personal effectiveness.

PERFORM at Your Peak

(Based on Tom's 7 Factors That Contribute For Peak Performance)

What are the questions that employees at all level in an organization have on their minds? Finding the answers to those questions helps to build a positive work environment that ensures success in any endeavor. Those answers can be found in the 7 Factors for Peak Performance: Purpose, Expectations, Relationships, Feedback, Orientation, Rewards and Morale. A manager or any individual contributor must utilize these factors in order to achieve results.

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Tom Blaisse

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