Ali Succeeded!

Cassius Clay, better known as Muhammad Ali, got into boxing before he was a teenager. Once his professional career began, Ali would travel to different states for boxing matches. One time, in Las Vegas, he has the pleasure of meeting Gorgeous George.

"George Raymond Wagner (March 24, 1915 - December 26, 1963) was an American professional wrestler best known by his ring name Gorgeous George. In the United States, during the First Golden Age of Professional Wrestling in the 1940s-1950s, Gorgeous George became one of the biggest stars of this period, gaining media attention for his outrageous character, which was described as flamboyant and charismatic." Wikipedia

George’s characteristics of being “flamboyant and charismatic” struck Ali in an interesting way. The boxer knew if he wanted to be as well known as George, he would need to try and be like him. Ali began to put on a show not only in the ring but in interviews and TV appearances as well.

And guess what? Ali succeeded! He soon became known as "The Greatest"!


1.What are you doing to get attention?

2. If your Mom's not around to brag on you who is?

3. How do I know you're the Greatest at what you do?

Steve Beecham: Author of “Bass-­‐Ackward Business” -“The Power of Helping without Hustling”.

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