As a behavior analyst and body language expert, Scott Rouse holds multiple certificates in advanced interrogation training and has been trained alongside the FBI, Secret Service, U.S. Military Intelligence, and the Department of Defense.
His extensive training, education, and practice of nonverbal communication have made him an expert and consultant to law enforcement as well as Fortune 100 Companies, attorneys, private investigators, executives, and entertainers. He is also a TEDx Speaker.
Scott, along with Greg Hartley, Mark Bowden, and Chase Hughes (They are the top 4 body language experts in the world) created the popular YouTube channel, The Behavior Panel, where they analyze the body language and human behavior in videos of public interest.
As a regular guest and consultant to and for The Dr. Phil Show, Scott analyzes body language and behavior.
Lawyer Training: Scott teaches lawyers “Rapid Rapport Building” so you can connecting and build rapport with everyone in the courtroom early on. Teaches you how to spot lies and deception.
Interpret Depositions: Scott decodes behavior in depositions either live or on video. He lets you know what’s really going on. Again, if they’re lying telling the truth etc.
Client / Witness Training: Scott trains your clients to look, act, and sound believable, confident, sure, honest, trustworthy, and most importantly, how to be likable.
Voir Dire & Jury Consultation: Scott is a jury consultant and consults for Voir Dire. During the trial he decodes the jury’s behavior and tells you which way each member is most likely leaning. Scott has an in-house licensed Private Investigator that helps with research of jury members as well.
Conduct or Observe Interviews:
Scott sits in on meetings to let the lawyer know if the person or people being met with are being honest and what their intentions may be.