Bob Gordman's stimulating presentation about generating sustained, profitable growth by creating a "Sweet Spot" had great take home value for our members. Follow his advice to improve your bottom line!
Discover how to use your company's customer-relevant strengths to build a unique Super Sweet Spot that will set you apart from your competition. Every action must support a company's Super Sweet Spot from deciding what products or services to sell, to hiring the right person for every job, to developing communications and advertising strategies that actually produce results. This presentation will show how to engage people from every part of your company to make crucial decisions and implement strategies for sustained, profitable growth.
Every single day businesses and individuals fail because they don't understand the unknown unknowns. This presentation shows how to avoid the trap of the unknown unknowns by asking the right people the right questions while feeling clever, competent, and managerial. Participants will discover how to focus their energy to figure out what they don’t know by digging deeper into pertinent facts and numbers. They'll learn how to determine what’s critical to their business and personal success.
Blindly following another company’s business model for success is a sure-fire recipe for disaster. Participants who attend this presentation will learn how to create a strategic plan that will build sustained, profitable growth. This includes creating a Super Sweet Spot that sets the company apart from its competition, identifying Core and Must-Have Customers and understanding their rules, and using advertising that actually increases sales and profits. When management stops copying other companies' actions and devises its own customer-relevant strategy, it can avoid the trap of moo-cow management.