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July 14, 2009

Reader's Digest: Leilani Munter One of "10 Reasons to Love Our Country"

Reader's Digest has featured Indycar driver and conservationist Leilani Munter as one of the "10 Reasons to Love Our Country". Here's what they said: "Life is short. Race...
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July 10, 2009

Mission (Now) Accomplished

Michael Reagan, conservative commentator and the eldest son of President Ronald Reagan, recently wrote the follow column about the recent withdrawal of combat troops from...
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July 08, 2009

10 Interesting Stats about Twitter

Over the last year, Twitter has become the hottest social media tool around, and it has left many companies trying to figure out if and how to best use Twitter for their needs....
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July 06, 2009

VIDEO: Huckabee Reacts to Sarah Palin's Resignation

Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee joined Karl Rove and Alaska Lt. Governor Sean Parnell on Fox News Sunday to discuss the surprise resignation of Gov. Sarah Palin. See...
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July 06, 2009

WSJ: The Cyber Way to Knowledge

James K. Glassman, former under secretary of state for public diplomacy and public affairs, recently wrote in the Wall Street Journal about the next revolution in education....
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June 29, 2009

VIDEO: Hannity Discusses Michael Jackson's Legacy

Sean Hannity and Rev. Jesse Jackson discussed the complex legacy and personality of Michael Jackson. The Reverend was a close friends with the conflicted King of Pop. Although...
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June 29, 2009

VIDEO: The Cost of Climate Change

Cap and trade would cause some people's utility bills to double. So says political consultant Dick Morris. On Friday the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Waxman-Markey...
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June 29, 2009

Small Changes Making a Big Difference

Environmental policy and business expert Andrew Winston recently wrote a column for Harvard Business Online about differentiating major changes and incremental changes. When it...
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June 20, 2009

VIDEO: Huckabee Debates Abortion with Jon Stewart

When Mike Huckabee visited The Daily Show with Jon Stewart last year, the two men discussed same-sex marriage, which was a topic chosen by Stewart. Last week, Huckabee, a...
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June 18, 2009

VIDEO: Andy Andrews' 5 Life-Changing Principles

Andy Andrews, the author of The Noticer, spoke with the team at Fox & Friends about "noticing the little things that make a big difference". He also laid out his five...
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June 16, 2009

VIDEO: Joe Torre Chats with Conan O'Brien

Los Angeles Dodgers' manager Joe Torre stopped by The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien last night to talk about his team's fantastic success and his new book, The Yankee...
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June 14, 2009

Glenn Beck Featured on ABC's '20/20'

Conservative commentator Glenn Beck was recently featured on ABC's 20/20. Beck was recently interviewed by John Stossel for the long-running news show. In a preview released on...
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Total Pages: 343