Republicans acted on the message voters sent in the 2010 congressional elections when they elected more than enough members of the House to control that body; they tackled the...
The current furor over the national budget is ample proof of the fact that federal budgets should be completed in time and based on reality, and not based on welfare-state...
If President Obama’s address to the nation the other night was meant to keep the American people up-to-date on the situation in the Middle East, it missed its mark, leaving us...
To find out more information on how to book Scott O'Grady for your next event, visit
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Ronald Reagan called him the “Mad Dog of the Middle East” and treated him as such, launching a bombing raid against his compound that purportedly killed a member of his family...
The following was written by speaker, trainer, and author, Robert Stevenson.
In the early 1960’s, Phillip Knight and his college track coach, William Bowerman, sold imported...
The following was written by environmental reporter and author of "Power Trip," Amanda Little, for The New York Times:
AS turmoil in Libya pushes up the price of oil,...
The following was written by best-selling author and world leader in creative thinking, Michael McMillan.
This short video is an excellent (and fun) example of “Pink Bat”...
Uncle Sam is spending a lot of your tax dollars on programs that do the exact same thing as other federal programs, and you are paying the tab, a shocking new report...
You can catch Ray Kurzweil on Charlie Rose tonight, March 3rd, on PBS, along with Barry Ptolemy, the director of Transcendent Man, an acclaimed documentary film about Ray's life...