IN STUDIO – Webcast #13: Living Possibility: Create Your Life’s Masterpiece Live Inspired IN STUDIO Webcasts are LIVE every third Monday of the month at 10:30 AM CST. If you are...
If you happen to be at a live sporting event and notice the iconic Goodyear Blimp flying overhead, you know that the game you're watching matters. The blimp doesn't fly over...
Why it’s good to avoid adverbs
One function of adverbs is to modify adjectives, in other words to describe something that already describes something. That alone should give...
Understanding and Tackling Modern Day Slavery
"We are only as blind as we want to be." – Maya Angelou [Tweet this.] | [Share on Facebook.]
There are more than 500,000 homeless...
Why Rescue Remedy Should Be in Your Teacher Toolkit
Teaching is a rewarding profession--but it's also one that can cause immeasurable stress. I've heard it from educators time...
Written by Diane Vaccaro
I listened to a great podcast recently: "The Meaning of Work" by the TED radio hour (you can listen to it here). It features 3 different TED speakers...
I had the honor of accompanying Finch, a former fighter pilot and current Afterburner instructor, to an event at the Nasdaq offices in New York City. Check out the video...
I have always believed that we are in the presence of genius everyday. Whether you are a teacher in a classroom of 30 passionate learners or you are sitting in a boardroom of...
“Companies spend millions creating and advertising their brands,
yet the Customer’s experience is what drives Customer perception.”
You know what's getting old? This tired line from the left-wing media that President Donald Trump is a racist anti-Semitic homophobe. Let's dispense with the anti-Semitism...