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January 09, 2022

Ditch the New Year's Resolution; Try This Instead

By the end of this second week of January, 29% of us will abandon our New Year’s resolutions. By the end of the year, only 9% of resolutions will remain resolute. Sobering. So...
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January 05, 2022

New Beginnings

In  our leadership trainings, we encourage people to set goals.  Not so much to realize the goal but to experience the magic of intention. You set a goal. Then every...
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January 05, 2022

A Truly Extraordinary Leader Takes a Profit and Leaves a Mark

What defines an extraordinary individual? To you, is that someone who saves lives, like a doctor or first responder? How about an entrepreneur who completely transforms our...
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January 04, 2022

Grow Both Ways

What’s your approach to improving something in your life? This week’s video will give you a strategy to grow from two directions simultaneously, increasing both your speed of...
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January 04, 2022

Overcoming a Constant Sense of Dread with Mental Health Advocate Brittney Moses

Brittney Moses grew up in a home with loving parents. But their divorce in her pre-teen years upended the life she knew, and she fought to get by. As one struggle after...
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January 03, 2022

10 micro goals for massive results

Are you working on a goal that has you feeling stuck? Or maybe it feels really overwhelming or like you're just not making any progress? If you can relate, chances...
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December 28, 2021

From "One Day" to Day One!

This last message of 2021 will help you build momentum for positive improvement before the New Year begins! Get ready to turn "one day" into Day One! WATCH THE VIDEO. READ THE...
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December 28, 2021

Getting Vulnerable About Alcoholism with Mindy and Ben Isaacs

When Ben Isaacs met his future wife, Mindy, he had no idea the extent of her drinking problem. What appeared to be a drink here or there was actually full-blown alcoholism...
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December 27, 2021

How to create fail-proof New Year's Resolutions

92% of New Years Resolutions fail according to an University of Scranton study. (Did you just think of The Office?) Those are pretty grim odds, but there’s a secret...
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December 22, 2021

Set in Your Ways? Here's how to Jumpstart your Next Big Idea.

As entrepreneurs and business leaders, we get set in our ways. This is often a natural reflex; our products are fulfilling needs, our processes are working, our services are...
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December 21, 2021

At the Intersection of Root Beer and Christmas Trees

Sometimes all a business owner needs to do is stop and listen to what their customers are saying - to try the unusual or recognize they may not have all the answers. In 2009...
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December 21, 2021

New Traditions

As you move through the holidays, consider a few new traditions, and elevate the meaning of those you choose to continue. WATCH THE VIDEO. READ THE TRANSCRIPT. Are your holiday...
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Total Pages: 343