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July 18, 2019

Stick to the Basics: The Leadership Wisdom of Dave Christiansen

Dave Christiansen, CEO of MKC If asked to describe his leadership philosophy, Dave Christiansen may offer you this quote from Walter Lippmann: "The final test of a leader...
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July 18, 2019

Keynote: Pfizer, Paris, France: The Acceleration of Healthcare

The rapid evolution of genomic science, the acceleration of gene therapy, the virtualization of healthcare with medical device connectivity, the changing nature of the...
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Topics:   Futurists
July 18, 2019

Daily Inspiration: "To supercharge your creativity, fire up your internal rebelalyzer!"

“To supercharge your creativity, fire up your internal rebelalyzer!" – Futurist Jim Carroll If it's not a word, it should be! And if you are going to be a rebel, you'd...
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Topics:   Futurists ,   Workplace Culture ,   Change
July 17, 2019

Five Ways to Grow Professional Relationships After College

Olivia Kuban: Digital Content Coordinator
By Olivia Kuban
Digital Content Coordinator
Five Ways to Grow Professional Relationships After College Olivia Kuban For recent college graduates, it can be especially difficult to know where to begin when it comes...
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July 17, 2019

The Dangers of Legacy Thinking

Every successful company and organization inevitably must confront a powerful question: Is what got us to where we are helping us move forward or holding us back? Your...
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Topics:   Futurists
July 17, 2019

Daily Inspiration: "Instead of saying it can't be done - do something else!"

"Instead of saying it can't be done – do something else!" – #Futurist Jim Carroll The easiest thing in the world is to fall into a creative rut; to run out of steam; to...
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Topics:   Futurists ,   Motivation ,   Motivation Speaker
July 17, 2019


I’m killing some time waiting for my flight in Paris’s Charles de Gaulle airport, and with a little bit of jet-lag, needed to keep myself awake. With that in mind, here’s a...
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Topics:   Futurists ,   Business
July 16, 2019

Relationship Economics- David Nour on the Beyond Speaking Podcast

Global thought leader and growth strategist David Nour shares how being an immigrant built his expertise in relationships, how Americans differ from the world in business, and...
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July 16, 2019

Longevity and the Rolling Stones

How do you perform with passion and excellence, not just today, but for a lifetime? This week we went to Boston to learn about longevity from The Rolling Stones! WATCH THE...
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July 16, 2019

Daily Inspiration: "It's the unknown and the unforeseen that will get you every time!"

"It's the unknown and the unforeseen that will get you every time!" -#Futurist Jim Carroll I'm in Paris this morning, and in just a few hours will spend time with the...
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July 15, 2019

Live Inspired Podcast: What Do You Want to Do Today? (Monday Moments ep. 167)

John O’Leary shares a story on the power of looking at every task as an opportunity on today’s Live Inspired Podcast Monday Moments segment. Join me every Monday for a...
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July 15, 2019

It's Not Our Differences that Divide Us

Celebrate Your Scars "It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences." – Audre Lorde I spent the first...
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Total Pages: 343