Matthew Kelly | Internationally-acclaimed speaker and bestselling author

Matthew Kelly

Internationally-acclaimed speaker and bestselling author

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Cincinnati, OH, United States

Matthew Kelly

Matthew Kelly is an internationally-acclaimed speaker and bestselling author. He is also the founder and president of Floyd Consulting, a firm based on the belief that your organization can only become the-best-version-of itself if the people in your organization are striving to become the-best-version-of themselves.
Kelly's books have sold more than four million copies and have appeared on the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Publisher's Weekly, and numerous other bestseller lists. His titles include The Dream Manager, The Rhythm of Life, and Off Balance.

More than three million people in fifty countries have attended Kelly's presentations and seminars. Over the past decade, he has given over 2,500 keynote presentations at conferences and conventions for a wide variety of organizations including Fortune 500 companies, national trade associations, professional organizations, universities, churches, and non profits. Against the backdrop of his travel to fifty countries, millions more have been touched by his writings and appearances on radio and television programs.

With his keen sense of humor and passion for helping companies understand that developing their employees is the first step to achieving corporate goals, Kelly seems to effortlessly elevate and energize people to pursue the highest values of the human spirit and achieve their personal goals and ambitions.

Matthew Kelly's message is both timely and timeless. His example is authentic and inspiring. His passion for life is refreshing and challenging. It is certain that he will continue to be, with increasing influence, one of the most sought-after and endearing voices of our time.

Matthew Kelly
Featured Video

Current: What is Culture?

Time 01:53

Matthew Kelly
Featured Keynote Programs

The Culture Solution
Building a Dynamic Culture for Everyone

In an age that is allergic to authority, it is time to celebrate authenticity and harness it as an integral part of leadership. Authentic leadership is integrity based and does not consist of perfection; instead, it consists of the honest admission of strengths and weaknesses and the need for teams to complement those strengths and weaknesses.

This new paradigm for leadership is based upon the idea that a company cannot become the- best-version-of-itself unless its management and employees are striving to become better- versions-of-themselves. This new paradigm demands that an organization take a more active interest in the lives of its employees. If employees do not believe that their leader has their best interests at heart, it is impossible to expect those employees to have the organization’s best interests at heart.

In this presentation, Matthew will demonstrate how a variety of leadership styles help or hinder the overall objectives of a team or company. Participants will also learn how to lead with authenticity.

Leading through Change
Understanding How to Manage a Transition

It is often said that people hate change, but this is not true. People love change; they just don’t like transition. But our businesses and our lives are constantly in transition. Learning how to manage transitions might be the most practical skill in the corporate world over the next twenty years.

Our businesses are always in transition. When was the last time you were not experiencing some type of transition at work? It could be a new product, a new client, a new boss, new team members, new IT, new processes and systems, new pricing structures, or new office space.

Our personal lives are always in transition. Who on your team is not experiencing transition in his or her personal life right now? Personal transition could include a new job, a new boyfriend or girlfriend, moving to a new city, buying a new house, marriage, divorce, having a baby, sending a child to college, health issues, the death or illness of a loved one, or getting a new pet.

We are constantly in transition, in business and in life. This means that getting really good at handling transition is one of the basic skills necessary to thrive in the modern world. In this presentation, Matthew will teach the audience how to lead people and manage processes during a transition. Using the Transition Diagram, he will demonstrate the different stages of a transition, which members of a team will get on board, which will resist, and who will try to sabotage the transition—and why.

Participants will leave with a practical model that will forever change the way they lead others through transitions to the positive changes they have envisioned for their team or company.

Authenticity, Not Authority
The New Leadership Paradigm

In an age that is allergic to authority, it is time to celebrate authenticity and harness it as an integral part of leadership. Authentic leadership is integrity based and does not consist of perfection; instead, it consists of the honest admission of strengths and weaknesses and the need for teams to complement those strengths and weaknesses.

This new paradigm for leadership is based upon the idea that a company cannot become the- best-version-of-itself unless its management and employees are striving to become better- versions-of-themselves. This new paradigm demands that an organization take a more active interest in the lives of its employees. If employees do not believe that their leader has their best interests at heart, it is impossible to expect those employees to have the organization’s best interests at heart.

In this presentation, Matthew will demonstrate how a variety of leadership styles help or hinder the overall objectives of a team or company. Participants will also learn how to lead with authenticity.

Off Balance
Getting beyond the Work-Life Balance Myth

One of the major issues plaguing the corporate world today is work-life balance. Everyone wants it; nobody has it! But do people really want it? If you had to choose between balance and satisfaction, which would you choose? People want to live deeply satisfying
personal and professional lives—and they want to know that both are possible at the same time.

The work-life balance conversation, which has dominated the corporate landscape for two decades, implies that work and life are separate. In this way, we set work and life against each other, and the thought that follows is that you are either working too much and living too little, or vice versa. But work can and should be a richly rewarding part of a person’s life.

In this presentation, New York Times best-selling author Matthew Kelly will change the way listeners think about the work-life balance question and give them the tools they need to get beyond the balance myth and start building a life that is deeply satisfying, both personally and professionally.

Matthew Kelly
Featured Books

The Culture Solution: A Practical Guide to Building a Dynamic Culture so People Love Coming to Work and Accomplishing Great Things Togetherby Matthew Kelly

The Culture Solution: A Practical Guide to Building a Dynamic Culture so People Love Coming to Work and Accomplishing Great Things Together

by Matthew Kelly

Culture is about creating empowerment, not entitlement . . .

Culture is not about bringing your dog to work, free lunches, unlimited vacation, or even casual Fridays. Culture is not a collection of personal preferences.

Our thinking about culture has been kidnapped and polluted by the spectacular, attention-grabbing fads that 99 percent of organizations cannot implement. It is time to get beyond these "here today, gone tomorrow" illusions that foster entitlement, complacency, and mediocrity, so we can start implementing the timeless principles that are: The Culture Solution.

The six foundational principles of a Dynamic Culture are universal and unchanging. In The Culture Solution, business consultant and New York Times bestselling author of The Dream Manager and Off Balance presents the six enduring principles of a Dynamic Culture in a way that is both intensely practical and inspiring. If you want to . . . grow your business; attract, grow, and retain top talent; learn the key to hiring in the 21st century; teach every person in your organization that they have a role to play in making the culture better today than it was yesterday . . . this book is for you and every person on your team.

The thing is and it's quite simple, really everybody wants to belong to a Dynamic Culture. That's why today, more than ever before, organizations are searching for a Culture Solution. Too many books are written just for the leaders of an organization. Finally, we have a definitive and authoritative book about culture that everyone in your organization can and should read.

Perhaps you don't believe it is possible to create a Dynamic Culture in your particular type of business. Prepare yourself to be convinced that the culture of any organization can be transformed using the six principles outlined in these pages.

As an author, speaker, and consultant, Matthew Kelly has become a once-in-a-generation voice. He has an astounding ability to cut through the noise and deliver a message that is both timely and timeless and he does it in a way that will give you goosebumps, stop you dead in your tracks to reflect on ideas so profound that you simply cannot read on, and make you think he wrote this book just for you. This is what makes Kelly one of the most refreshing and authentic voices of our time. Once every twenty-five years or so a book comes along that completely redefines the way we think about work and the life of an organization. This is that book. Culture will be the most significant issue in business in the coming decades are you ready to create a Dynamic Culture?

The Dream Managerby Matthew Kelly

The Dream Manager

by Matthew Kelly

A business parable about how companies can achieve remarkable results by helping their employees fulfill their dreams.

Managing people is difficult. With disengagement and turnover on the rise, many managers are scratching their heads wondering what to do. It’s not that we don’t dream of being great managers, it’s just that we haven’t found a practical and efficient way to do it. Until now . . .

The fictional company in this remarkable book is grappling with real problems of high turnover and low morale—so the managers begin to investigate what really drives the employees. What they discover is that the key to motivation isn’t necessarily the promise of a bigger paycheck or title, but rather the fulfillment of crucial personal dreams. They also learned that people at every level need to be offered specific kinds of help and encouragement or our dreams will forever remain just dreams as we grow dissatisfied with our lives and jobs.

Beginning with his important thought that a company can only become the-best-version-of-itself to the extent that its employees are becoming better-versions-of-themselves, Matthew Kelly explores the connection between the dreams we are chasing personally and the way we all engage at work. Tackling head-on the growing problem of employee disengagement, Kelly explores the dynamic collaboration that is unleashed when people work together to achieve company objectives and personal dreams.

The power of The Dream Manager is that simply becoming aware of the concept will change the way you manage and relate to people instantly and forever. What’s your dream?

The Rhythm of Life: Living Every Day with Passion & Purposeby Matthew Kelly

The Rhythm of Life: Living Every Day with Passion & Purpose

by Matthew Kelly

Do You ever feel that if you weren’t so busy you would be happier, healthier, more effective, more fulfilled… and maybe even a better person?

Once every twenty-five years or so, a book comes along that perfectly identifies our common search and struggle for happiness, and teaches us how to find lasting fulfillment in a changing world. This is that book. Not since M. Scott Peck Published The Road Less Traveled have we experienced a voice as refreshing and authentic as Matthew Kelly’s.

In The Rhythm of Life, Matthew Kelly exposes the lifestyle challenges and problems that face us in this age obsessed with noise, speed, and perpetual activity. Kelly's message rings out with a truth that is challenging and unmistakably attractive Who you become is infinitely more important than what you do, or what you have. Are you ready to meet the-best-version-of-yourself?

The Rhythm of Life will help you to bring into focus who you are and why you are here. Through this book Matthew Kelly will help you discover your legitimate needs, deepest desires, and unique talents. He will introduce you to be the-best-version-of-yourself and lead you to a life filled with passion and purpose.

Kelly has a way of thinking and writing that cuts through the stifling clutter of our everyday lives and delivers a clarity that is both refreshing and liberating.

The Rhythm of Lifeis a brilliant and clear-eyed rejection of the chaotic lifestyle that has captured the world, written with common sense, humor, and extraordinary insight. This book is destined to change lives!

Here are just a few of the timeless creeds that Matthew Kelly presents in The Rhythm of Life…

The Meaning of Life: the-best-version-of-yourself...

""You were born to become the-best-version-of-yourself. This is your essential purpose. Embrace this one solitary truth and it will change your life more than anything you have ever learned. In every situation, as yourself, “Which of the option before me will help me become the best-version-of-myself?’”

About Choices…

“Everything is a choice. This is life’s greatest truth and its hardest lesson. It is a great truth because it reminds us of our power. Not power over others, but the power to be ourselves and to live the life we have imagined. It is a hard lesson because it causes us to realize that we have chosen the life we are living right now.”

About Courage…

“The measure of your life will be the measure of your courage. Courage animates us, brings us to life, and makes everything else possible. Fear stops more people from doing something with their lives than lack of ability, contacts, resources, or any other single variable. Fear paralyzes the human spirit. Life takes courage.”

About Energy…

“Energy is our most valuable resources, not time. The rhythm of life is a way of life that brings our legitimate needs, our deepest desires, and our unique talents into harmony with each other. The result: passion, purpose, and energy.”

“I loved this book! It provides significant insights into living a happier, healthier, more rewarding life!"

Dr. Stephen R. Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

“Matthew Kelly’s The Rhythm of Life is a treasure for all of those who dare to believe that there is a best-version-of-themselves… miss it at your peril!”

Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The One Minute Manager

Nothing Is Random: The Old, The New, and The Enduring Ideas In Businessby Matthew Kelly

Nothing Is Random: The Old, The New, and The Enduring Ideas In Business

by Matthew Kelly

Learning to recognize patterns and connect the dots is perhaps the most significant cognitive ability anyone can aspire to. The more we can recognize the patterns in our lives, our business and industry, our relationships, and our culture, the more meaningfully we can participate in anything and everything.

You still have so much more to offer. You sense it. You know it. Your intuition has never been so right.

Who am I speaking about here? Is it someone a couple of years into their career, someone who has reached the role they always wanted, or someone who is nearing retirement? All of the above.

The only people it doesn’t apply to are those who have lost their enthusiasm for life. Enthusiasm keeps us young. It is the secret to eternal youth, and those who possess it are always reaching for more in the healthiest way possible. Not more cars, houses, and money. But the fact that so many reach for more meaningless things is a testament to the reality that human beings were created to reach for more. Many may reach for more of the right things, but that doesn’t make the reaching for more a human malfunction.

Toward the end of his life Michelangelo is reported to have said, “I regret that I have done so little for my eternal soul and that I am but beginning to learn the alphabet of my craft.”

He was eighty-eight years old and inarguably one of the great geniuses of all time. But beginning to learn his craft? His honesty and humility put the arrogant self-satisfaction of so many in perspective.

It is true, you still have so much more to offer. You sense it. You know it. Your intuition has never been so right. But to offer more, to contribute more, to add value that far exceeds your accomplishments to date, you still have more to learn. Or not. Maybe what we need to learn is how to connect the dots between everything we already know.

Nothing is random. Learning how to think in a way that connects the dots will prove that to you, and open up new and amazing possibilities for every aspect of your life, from business to relationships, to health and investing, to parenting and career.

This is a truly remarkable book. At first it may seem like you are reading twenty short books, but as you progress, you will see these are not random topics and much more than just learning about new topics and ideas you are learning how to learn by discovering how to recognize the patterns that connect everything.

In A World Where You Can Be Matthew Kelly

In A World Where You Can Be Anything...

by Matthew Kelly

Matthew Kelly has emerged as one of the great thought leaders of our times. His enormous success as an author, speaker, consultant, and thought-leader are the result of his comprehensive worldview surrounding the concept that we are each here to become the-very-best-version-of-ourselves.

His worldview elevates every aspect of life from relationships to work, parenting and spirituality, to health, finance, and beyond. In fact, there is no aspect for arena of life touch by the human experience that is beyond reach. The idea of becoming the-best-version-of yourself illuminates every situation and decisions of our lives in simple, profound, and disarmingly practical ways.

In this fun little book, Kelly demonstrates how just a few words can change the way we think about ourselves and the way we live our lives. It's a quick read. At times light-hearted, at times serious, but always reaching deep with you and your own experience of self and life, hoping to encourage a bolder, braver, better you to emerge.

What's the book about? It s about you. It's about possibilities. It's about the possibilities that are before you that you are not even aware of yet.

We live in a world of unlimited possibilities, but too often we get caught up in the day-to-day realities of life and the hustle and bustle of the world and lose sight of all that is possible.

Living with great intentionality requires that we step back from time to time and think about life. Thinking about life leads to living a more fulfilling life.

We all have good qualities, we all have qualities we want to eradicate, and we all have qualities we aspire to.

What's your best quality? What are your top ten qualities? What qualities do you aspire to? What qualities do you most admire in other people? What qualities do you look for in a friend? What qualities do you look for in a lover?

In a world where you can be anything... is designed to get you thinking about who you are, who you want to be, and who you are capable of being. I hope it opens new possibilities for you in every area of your life.

As human beings we are continually invited to explore new horizons. Let's not let the hustle and bustle of this world distract us. Let's not get so busy with all the things that will mean nothing to nobody a year or two from now that we lose ourselves.

We are a people of possibility. Most possibilities are unseen and unexplored. It's time to change that. In a world where you can be anything... be...

Off Balance: Getting Beyond the Work-Life Balance Myth to Personal and Professional Satisfactionby Matthew Kelly

Off Balance: Getting Beyond the Work-Life Balance Myth to Personal and Professional Satisfaction

by Matthew Kelly

The research upon which this book is based shows overwhelmingly that people want satisfaction much more than they want balance. And yet, one of the dominant topics in the area of personal and professional development for the past twenty years has been work-life balance.

Off Balance is more than just a book. It presents a system that Matthew Kelly uses with his Fortune 500 clients, his team, and himself to drive increasing levels of satisfaction both personally and professionally. He introduces us to the three philosophies of our age that are dragging us down. He teaches us how to cultivate energy so that we have plenty left for our passions when we are finished fulfilling our responsibilities. And finally, in five clear steps, he shows us how to use his Personal and Professional Satisfaction System to establish our priorities and honor them even when we feel pulled in a hundred different directions.

The beautiful thing about satisfaction is that you know when you have it, and you know when you don't. Do you have it? Short, insightful, and life-changing, Off Balance gives us all the tools we need to go to sleep every night knowing who we are, what matters most, and that our lives make sense.

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