Margie Warrell | Global Thought Leader in Human Potential and Brave Leadership

Margie Warrell

Global Thought Leader in Human Potential and Brave Leadership

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Margie Warrell

Find Your Courage. Stop Playing Safe. Brave. Make Your Mark. The titles of Margie's four bestselling books reflect her passion for emboldening people to lead braver and more impactful lives. Margie's needed to find her courage many times since growing up one of seven children on a dairy farm in rural Australia. Personal adversity, backpacking solo around the world, starting a business with four children under five: all have taught her valuable lessons on building resilience, challenging norms and embracing change. Today, Margie draws on her background in Fortune 500 business, coaching and psychology to arm people with the mindset, strategies and skills essential to lead themselves and others to better outcomes. Margie's international experience has found her working with diverse organizations from NASA and the United Nations Foundation to British Telecom, Berkshire Hathaway and Australian Federal Police. A member of the Advisory Board of Forbes School of Business & Technology, Margie is also adjunct faculty at Duke Executive Education and has guest lectured at Columbia, Georgetown and her alma mater, Monash University in Australia. A Forbes contributor and host of, Margie has been described as an 'international authority on brave leadership' by the Wall Street Journal. Her insights have also been shaped by her work and interviews with leaders such as Richard Branson, Bill Marriott, Australian Prime Minister John Howard, Oliver Stone and author Marianne Williamson. Margie has also co-authored two other books with Stephen Covey, Jack Canfield and Ken Blanchard. Currently undertaking her PhD, Margie's work draws on the latest research in positive and behavioural psychology, leadership development and organizational change. Her programs have shown measurable improvement in leadership effectiveness, diversity and inclusion, team performance and employee wellbeing. A passionate advocate for gender equality and inclusive leadership, in 2010 Margie founded Global Courage to embolden braver leadership and advance more women to decision-making tables. She is a Women's Economic Forum honoree and Ambassador for Women in Global Business and Google's Womenwill program. An adventurous spirit at heart, Margie has lived around the world - from the wilds of Papua New Guinea to Washington D.C. - and travelled widely. She has crossed the Sahara Desert, stayed in Palestinian refugee camps, hiked the Inca trail and Himalayas, swam with piranhas in the Amazon and, perhaps bravest of all, cycled through Beijing. Last but not least, Margie is also the mother of four intrepid teenage children and enjoys sharing adventures with them and her husband Andrew of 25 years--most recently, summiting Mt Kilimanjaro.

Margie Warrell
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Current: Rethink Risk

Time 49:05

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Rethink Risk
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Margie Warrell
Featured Keynote Programs


Empower your leaders to lead themselves and others with greater purpose, passion, courage and confidence. Drawing on the latest research in leadership and neuro-science, plus interviews with some of the world’s top change makers – past and present – Margie will get to the heart of what undermines leadership effectiveness, sharing science-based strategies to:

Engage people around a big Why that taps ingenuity and counters anxiety and complacency
Act decisively amid uncertainty and ambiguity Identify blind spots and foster a risk-ready mindset that is driven by purpose over pride
Engage in the tough conversations that are too often avoided
Create rituals that build resilience to stay ‘on purpose,’ thrive under pressure and fail forward faster


The quality of our relationships and network is determined by the quality of the conversations we have in them. You will learn skills to build trust, speak with authority and master tough conversations in ways that build collaboration, earn respect and produce stronger outcomes for all stakeholders.

Gain the confidence to balance candor with kindness
Text or talk: Why it’s vital we don’t hide behind technology in the digital age
Dial up your EQ to deal with sensitive situations and disarm defensive people
Listen for the unspoken concerns to move from conflict to collaboration
Learn the four steps to giving critical feedback, to optimize positive outcomes
Express anger without insult and disagree without being disagreeable
Build accountability and manage conflicting commitments


The biggest regret people have at the end of their lives is that they lived too safely and risked too little. In this inspiring keynote, Margie will draw on her diverse life experiences and hard won wisdom to inspire your audience to take action to live a bigger, braver and more meaningful life.

Power and presence: Align your language, focus and physiology to bring your best self to your biggest challenges
Three questions to discover your Why and live with a clear sense of purpose
Rethink risk and exit the safe lane: Learn to get comfortable being uncomfortable
Upgrade your mental maps: The assumptions that got you here won’t get you there
Failing forward: Bounce back from setbacks with a wiser mind and stronger spirit
Forget perfect: Give yourself permission to start now, wherever you are

Margie Warrell
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Margie Warrell

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