Lisa Walden | Speaker, strategist, and consultant dedicated to helping businesses create authentic, empowering workplaces

Lisa Walden

Speaker, strategist, and consultant dedicated to helping businesses create authentic, empowering workplaces

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Salt Lake City, Utah

Lisa Walden

Lisa X. Walden is a speaker, strategist, and consultant dedicated to helping businesses create authentic, empowering workplaces that don’t inspire the dreaded Sunday scaries. Her presentations deliver action-oriented insights that help people better connect, collaborate, and communicate.

As co-founder of Good Company Consulting, her work is centered on the (strangely revolutionary) concept that people and strategy don’t have to be mutually exclusive. She takes a holistic approach to workplace strategy, keeping human beings - arguably the most valuable resources - at front and center. Lisa Walden’s speeches focus on how to maintain thriving cultures, best-practices for mindful communication practices, and tactics for nurturing the single most important component of a healthy work environment—trust.

Walden has worked with a broad range of clients and organizations, ranging from architects, to finance, real estate, and hospitality. In her speeches, Lisa strives to inspire mindset shifts by presenting valuable, research-based insights in a way that resonates, engages, and entertains. She weaves in stories, statistics, case studies, and some good old-fashioned self-deprecating humor into each and every one of her presentations.

Lisa Walden is the co-author of Managing Millennials for Dummies and is deep in the trenches of planning her next book. She is a voracious consumer of all business-related books, podcasts, magazines, and think pieces.

Lisa Walden
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Current: Lisa X. Walden - Good Company Consulting Speaking Reel

Time 07:00

Lisa Walden
Featured Keynote Programs

The Future is Human
Creating People-First Work Cultures

Based on their upcoming book, The Future of Work is Human: Transforming Company Culture for a Post-Pandemic World

We are entering a new era of work, one where businesses win when leaders are compassionate, communication is empathetic, and people are prioritized. But that transformation, much like any kind of change, requires a great degree of intention and care. By embracing the workplace lessons learned during the pandemic years there’s an opportunity to design the kind of organization we all want to work in, and a culture we can all be a part of. In this presentation, you’ll learn how to create a healthier, happier, and ultimately more successful workplace culture by putting people first. Steeped in years of research and listening (really listening) to employees at all levels, it will paint the picture of what the future of work can and should look like, and how you can get started with that redesign right away.

Takeaways include:
• An exploration of the three cornerstones of compassionate leadership
• Strategies to take organizational communication from autopilot to intentional and empathetic
• Tactical tools to start transforming your work culture
• Sneak peek into Gen Z and what they want most from employers

Staying Human in the Age of AI

First, there was the computer, then the search engine, the smartphone, social media, and now… there’s AI. All of these revolutionary technological innovations have upended the way we communicate, lead, and get work done. And while it’s tempting to consider AI as the one tool to rule them all, we have to approach this time with intention and a little bit of care. To successfully implement AI into any workforce, leaders need to strike a happy balance between embracing artificial intelligence and nurturing emotional intelligence; they need to prioritize the people who are using AI. Because while technology may improve how we do so much at work, one thing remains the same: when leaders center humans at work, everyone wins.

• Understand how EI and AI work together to help organizations succeed
• Best practices from teams that view AI as a tool that complements a people-first mindset
• Strategies to keep humans and EI front and center amidst change
• The soft skills that are critical for success in this brave new world of work

The Alchemy of Trust

Building teams that really work.
Establishing trust at work is no simple matter. People have devoted entire lives trying to pinpoint that special, almost magical alchemy behind cohesive, collaborative, and trusting teams. While every organization is different, and no two teams will be the same, there are some core concepts that can help leaders craft their own cultures of trust. In this presentation, we identify common (and sometimes surprising) barriers and break down the key ingredients required to build strong, truly trusting teams. From consistent messaging to embracing candor, to admitting vulnerabilities and extending grace, The Alchemy of Trust highlights the “why” and demystifies the “how,” all while providing actionable insights that can be implemented the very next day.

Takeaways Include:
• How to establish psychological safety so employees feel confident taking calculated, innovative risks
• Critical, sometimes counterintuitive mindsets that will create buy-in and help bridge gaps across teams
• Case studies from organizations that have figured out how to successfully build trust, be it in-person or in a virtual or hybrid setting      

Why Connections At Work Matter

Strategies to build relationships authentically.                                         
Technology has changed the way we work, in ways both good and bad. With much of our communication shifting from face-to-face to screen-to-screen, building authentic work relationships is harder now than ever before. With study after study citing strong professional relationships as a key factor for engagement, motivation, and work satisfaction, now is the time to acquire the skills to build and maintain connections at work. In this presentation, we identify what’s getting in the way of connecting authentically at work, explore strategies to shape stronger teams, and present best practices from organizations that have discovered the secret sauce to building communities of supportive and interconnected peers.                                           

Takeaways Include:    
• How to remove barriers that prevent meaningful relationships at work
• Using a people-first approach to create a sense of belonging and appreciation
• Overcoming the need to be “perfect,” and instead, learning how to show up as your authentic self 

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Lisa Walden

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