Larry OIsen | Expert in Performance Driven Neurology, and Transformational Corporate Culture Expert

Larry OIsen

Expert in Performance Driven Neurology, and Transformational Corporate Culture Expert

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Larry OIsen

Larry R. Olsen is a notable expert in the field of performance driven neurology and leads his field in leadership development, world class cultures and accelerated performance. He is a strategic growth generator who uses proven methods to guide companies on how to transform their culture, leading to revenue acceleration, optimized productivity and reduced turnover. He believes that success is not the size of the company's vision but the size of the vision within each associate which creates engaged, fun and sustainable organizations. The success of his diverse client list speaks volumes to the power of vision and includes Pepsi, Starbucks, State Farm, Toyota, EPA, Harley-Davidson as well as many startups and small businesses.

What makes Larry unique and defines his passion has much to do with his childhood experience of being the sole sibling of a mentally delayed sister. Wanting to know the why behind her circumstance led Larry on his quest: Why are some successful and others not? Where does success come from? How can you make it a habit, not an accident? His answers to those questions came by researching and studying psychology and neuroscience for many years, extracting the secrets to long-lasting change and personal excellence.

As a formidable executive leadership coach and mentor, Larry's knowledge and experience of mindset drives the understanding of how we can all accelerate performance, make permanent changes to our lives and culture, while generating immediate, tangible, and measurable results. As an in-demand transformative keynote speaker, bestselling author of Get A Vision and Live It!, podcast host and blogger, Larry advises his many audiences to think beyond what they currently thought was possible and that their results can be as unlimited as the human imagination itself.

Larry OIsen
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Time 09:43

More Videos From Larry OIsen

Keynote Preview
Time 09:43
Are We Being Held Back or Accelerated Forward?
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Virtual Keynote Preview
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Does Life Happen to You OR Do You Happen to Life
Time 03:25

Larry OIsen
Featured Keynote Programs


Leadership makes or breaks an organization. Understanding that it’s not the leader outside of us that causes our performance, attitude, and emotion, but the leader within that creates or destroys our destiny. Knowing that our brain is innately positive and optimistic, creates a conscious shift from what’s not happening for me, to having the time of my life right now.


Drive and energy are ignited or disengaged through the chemicals and electricity in our system. Our unlimited brain turns on endorphins or stress depending on our own point of view; am I looking backward or forward? Once we stop driving into the future looking through the rearview mirror and learn how to start ‘looking forward to’, our drive changes instantly from stress to endorphins. Motivation is the key, and we are the ones who own it.


When we understand that the only thing that is constant in our lives is change, we learn how to embrace it rather than fight it. Since there is no growth without discontent, learning to look forward to discontent rather than discouraging it, creates exponential growth and fulfillment.


The idea of working for yourself is extremely romantic. No more bosses, doing as I wish, and working with the people I enjoy, but when you leave the familiar and go into the unknown, where the only person you can rely on is yourself, it can be loaded with challenges as well as huge expenses. What if we could have that now, with the people we work with, and with the work that we do? Learning how to change our mind, not our environment is what the entrepreneurial spirit is all about.

Larry OIsen
Featured Book

Get A Vision and Live It by Larry OIsen

Get A Vision and Live It

by Larry OIsen

Get a Vision and Live It:


Get a Vision and Live It is a concise and effective guide to tapping personal power and overcoming personal barriers. Visit any bookstore and you will find a vast array of self-help, self-improvement, and self-discovery books. There are dozens of authors, life coaches, and gurus ready to promote their "quick fix" for your life. Their methods vary but the message is fundamentally the same. "Work this program, as described in this book, and be successful." Few, if any of them, have the kind of impact one is looking for. The concepts are too syrupy, the claims too over-inflated, the language too preachy. Larry Olsen recognizes that the ability to succeed lies within everyone. Get a Vision and Live It taps into that ability through a few, very simple methods which use individual resources that already exist. Through this incredibly user-friendly and adaptable guide, Larry Olsen will uncover what works for you. In Get a Vision and Live It, Larry Olsen speaks directly to the reader. His is the voice of a person who defines success in human terms, from a "been there, done that," perspective.

Larry OIsen
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