Josh Linkner News & Updates
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August 04, 2019

Playing Guitar With Three Missing Strings

Studying jazz guitar in college, I had a professor that would force me to remove strings from the instrument. One, two, sometimes three strings had to be removed before I...
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July 28, 2019

How The Most Successful Leaders Respond

We all get provoked. An angry associate; a cranky customer; a snarling spouse. In these cases, the primitive part of our brain designed to protect us in the wild kicks in and...
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July 21, 2019

A Powerful Two-Step Approach to Drive Results

When we look to initiate change or growth, some sort of behavior shift is generally required. Want to sell more products? It probably involves making more cold calls, training...
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July 14, 2019

What a French Creole Cooking Term Can Teach Us About Customer Loyalty

After finishing an incredible meal in the French Quarter of New Orleans, the best part of the experience may very well be the lagniappe (pronounced LAN-yap). While it sounds...
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July 07, 2019

An Innovative Way to Improve Behavior

Early education in high-risk urban areas is a complex and seemingly overwhelming challenge. Often dubbed the "school to prison pipeline," kids in troubled classrooms with...
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June 30, 2019

What Business Leaders Can Learn from 100-Year-Olds in Okinawa

The Japanese island of Okinawa boasts the highest life expectancy, and the greatest concentration of centenarians (people who live to 100), in the world. Their culture, rituals,...
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June 16, 2019

When We Stop Doing The Things That Made Us Great

Last weekend, I went to one of Detroit's most celebrated Italian restaurants. I'd been years ago and anticipated the same exquisite experience. Known for their impeccable...
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June 09, 2019

The Hard Part

Whether you are running a startup, building a relationship, or rebuilding a community, there's an easy part and a hard part. One requires less work in the moment while the other...
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Topics:   Teamwork ,   Workplace Culture
June 02, 2019

You're Always Auditioning

Think about how you shined during the interview where landed you your job. You were prepared to impress, fully engaged, and leaning forward with enthusiasm. Acutely aware that...
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May 27, 2019

One Word That Will Change Your Entire Outlook

As busy people, we often sprint from one obligation to the next. The mandatory client meeting, the business lunch, the kid's soccer game all while keeping your seven social...
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May 19, 2019

Making Mistakes

In school, we're taught that mistakes should be avoided at all costs. We learn that getting something wrong somehow means that we're wrong as a human beings, that each mistake...
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May 18, 2019

The Mother of Dragons

Spoiler Alert! (if you haven't caught up on GOT, stop reading and JUMP to "SPOILER START" below) Wow. How incredible that the woman who built her career on kindness and empathy...
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Total Pages: 21