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November 10, 2019

How to Avoid Extinction

According to a report from Yale University Press, 99.9% of all species that have ever lived on Earth are now extinct. That's over five billion species completely wiped out. Why...
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Topics:   Business ,   Technology ,   Personal Growth
November 03, 2019

How To Inject Artistry Into Your Work

When we think of an artist, we envision a tormented soul wearing a beret and a turtleneck, painting with oil on canvas. Yet despite this stereotype, there are many other types...
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October 27, 2019

The 12 Secret Brainstorming Techniques of Billionaires

We've all struggled to generate good ideas. From trying to invent the next industry transformation to imagining a better way to run your team meeting, the creative act is...
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Topics:   Business ,   Personal Growth ,   Future of Work
October 20, 2019

How to Blast Off

When the space shuttle blasts off, two-thirds of its fuel is consumed in the first 20 minutes of flight. The remaining amount powers the shuttle for up to two weeks, including...
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October 13, 2019

Does Your Business Have a 'Test Kitchen'?

Underneath one of the many Shake Shack restaurants in New York City lives the breakaway restaurant chain's Innovation Kitchen. The full-time team isn't filling the orders of...
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September 29, 2019

The Beauty of Uneaten Cantaloupe

On a recent business trip to Denver, I was able to grab breakfast at one of my favorite morning spots. Snooze Eatery is a funky, retro-themed breakfast joint with incredible...
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Topics:   Business ,   Change ,   Customer Service
September 22, 2019

The 5x5 Decision Model

You've got a tough decision to make, yet conflicting interests and perspectives can render you frozen from taking decisive action. We’ve all been there. Having observed how...
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Topics:   Business
September 15, 2019

Five Big Questions to Gain Clarity, Sharpen Focus, and Drive Results

In our increasingly busy and scattered lives, getting clear and focused can feel like an insurmountable task. We live in an era of distractions vying for our attention the way...
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Topics:   Motivation ,   Inspiration
September 08, 2019

The Unique Problem-Solving Approach of History Makers

For decades, transportation experts and city planners who studied traffic congestion in major cities came to the conclusion that not much could be done to improve gridlock....
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Topics:   Business ,   Business Motivational ,   Change
September 01, 2019

The Can't-Not

The promo for tonight's local news runs across your screen: "Two of the items in your pantry right now could kill you. Tune in at 11:00 to find out which ones." After hearing...
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August 18, 2019

How Tiny Innovations Can Yield Gigantic Results

Gaining competitive advantage, better serving customers, and standing out from the pack can feel just about as challenging as running a double marathon barefoot. The...
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August 11, 2019

How Swapping Two Words Can Transform Your Success and Happiness

As the competitive nature of our world continues to increase, success can feel elusive. Whether your sights are set on landing a promotion, raising capital, wining that new...
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Total Pages: 21