Jack Zufelt | Author #1 Best Selling Book , International Keynote Speaker, International Business Consultant

Jack Zufelt

Author #1 Best Selling Book , International Keynote Speaker, International Business Consultant

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Denver, Colorado, United States

Jack Zufelt

Jack Zufelt is one of the most successful speakers and business consultants on the national and international scene. He is very popular keynote speaker. His client list includes companies of all sizes including many Fortune 500 companies. His multi-million dollar success as a trainer and in the trenches in Network Marketing is legendary.For blazing a trail that others can actually follow and benefit from, Jack has won worldwide acclaim. Dozens of luminaries and corporate business leaders from every walk of life give his revolutionary concepts glowing testimonials. Jack is the only speaker on the planet who shows people, on stage, How it works. He shows them how to immediately create an unstoppable chain reaction culminating in fully realized core desires . This is an amazing thing to see.As a super achieving businessman and highly acclaimed and honored speaker and trainer, Jack has achieved "Celebrity" status as a speaker and trainer because of the results he gets. Those who see and hear him on stage often refer him to as a miracle worker. Many have called him the Wizard of Awes because what he does with an audience. The results he creates for people right there in stage is, indeed, awesome and unique. Jack's book, The DNA of Success, has catapulted him into the limelight as a celebrity business consultant, keynote speaker and trainer all around the globe.Jack has discovered a concept about achievement that has never been taught before. It has caused him to become very popular as a speaker, trainer, business consultant and mentor to millions. He has gained worldwide recognition because of his unique and life changing approach to all achievement and success in all areas of life. Jack's personal and business success qualifies him to teach others how to achieve that same success in their own careers and personal lives.

Jack Zufelt
Featured Keynote Programs

The DNA of Success - The TRUE cause of all achievement

Jack Zufelt skillfully walks the audience through the methods and techniques of Success that don’t work and then provides them easy to understand and apply ways of thinking and being that are fundamental and have worked for centuries. Then, unlike any other speaker on the planet, he proves his concepts work by showing the results live and on stage.

As a super achieving businessman and highly acclaimed and honored speaker and trainer, Jack has isolated the power switch for success --- the single catalyst that causes all achievement.

Jack has achieved “Celebrity” status because of the results he gets during his presentations. Many have called him the Wizard of Awes because of what he teaches and the results he gets.

All Attendees will:

1. Become an unstoppable force in their personal and professional lives by accessing and flipping on their personal power switch within them that has been there all along. Everyone has a power switch but most don’t know where it is. Jack shows them where it is and how to throw the switch to unleash their Conquering Force©!
2. Be able to isolate the single root cause of all achievement so they can perform at peak levels and overcome all barriers and obstacles in their way.
3. Become focused and productive at the highest levels at work, in sales, management and at home.
4. Be able to zero in on their automatic mechanism that propels them into action resulting in unqualified, sometimes amazing levels of success.
5. Find out what really motivates them from deep within. Jack will show them how to drill down to their Core Desires© and mine solid gold!
6. Find out why Goal Setting, daily affirmations, visualization, listening to motivational speakers or reading self-help books just don’t produce the desired results.
7. Stop wasting time and money on techniques and methods that don’t work.
8. Learn not just “how to do it” but how to “get themselves to do it”….NOW!

Leadership Techniques

What it Really takes to motivate others to take sustained, proper and perpetual action.

The greatest leaders of the world including Sir Winston Churchill, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Caesar, Muhammad, Christ, Presidents of the USA all understood that in order to get people to follow them they had to offer something that the people wanted so badly that they would follow them and accept their leadership. Even notorious and evil people like Genghis Khan, Jim Jones, Mussolini and Hitler used this power to get people to do unspeakable things.

I teach the source of true motivation and how to use it to get others to take action. I walk the audience through the methods that have an amazing impact on those it is applied to. It is a power that is both amazing and frightening if used wrongly.

Force, cajoling, threats, fear have no lasting affect. In fact they create the exact opposite of what the leader wants which is loyalty, self-motivation to do what needs to be done when it needs to be done, reliability, commitment and a desire for the same outcome that the leader/boss/employer wants.

The Ten Commandments of Mentoring - Proper Mentoring Mentality for Maximum Results.

Jack is a master at both being a mentor and teaching others how to be mentors. And how maximize the benefits of being mentored.

Smart people learn from experience. Super smart people learn from other people’s experience. Having a mentor is an integral part of getting where you want to go and accomplishing what you want to accomplish in as fast a time as possible and in the most mistake free, time and cost efficient manner possible. Why try to reinvent the wheel when you can talk to its inventor?

An ancient Chinese proverb makes the value of a mentor quite obvious. It goes like this: “he how asks is a fool for five minutes but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.”
Who are you going ask questions of? Obviously you ask someone who knows the answer. Today, businesses around the world rely heavily on mentoring. If you are in business especially in management you’d be wise to heed the word of management guru

Jack will teach the audience to go get someone to mentor them as well as how to interact with that mentor for, indeed, there are protocols that should be followed. He will also explain how to be an effective mentor and the proper protocols for them.

To help the audience know how to find and interact with a mentors Jack developed, The Ten Commandments of being mentored and for being a mentor.

Formula For All Success

Success Attitude Formula SA= (CD + D) X PA = P This super simple formula for success never fails. It is applied by everyone and it is what we all use to achieve anything.

97% don’t know how to use it at will -- any time they want or need. When they know this they can consciously apply it to any area of life to achieve the success that they want. Time permitting, this is included in the DNA of Success presentation

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Jack Zufelt

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