Dr. Uwe Reinhardt | Expert on the Economics of Healthcare

Dr. Uwe Reinhardt

Expert on the Economics of Healthcare

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Princeton, New Jersey, United States

Dr. Uwe Reinhardt

A leading authority on health economics and policy, Dr. Uwe Reinhardt is James Madison Professor of Political Economy and Professor of Economics and Public Affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University. One of today's most sought after speakers on healthcare systems and health reform, Dr. Reinhardt is known for his informative, humorous and insightful presentations.

Uwe E. Reinhardt, a native of Germany, has taught at Princeton University since 1968. Rising through the ranks from assistant professor of economics to his current position; he has taught courses in both micro- and macro-economic theory and policy, accounting for commercial, private non-profit and governmental enterprises, financial management for commercial and non-profit enterprises, and health economics and policy.

Professor Reinhardt received the Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada in 1964, when he was also awarded the Governor General's Gold Medal as Most Distinguished Graduate of his class. He earned a Ph.D. in economics from Yale University in 1970. His doctoral dissertation, entitled Physician Productivity and Demand for Health Manpower, was subsequently published as a book.

In 1998, the Columbia University School of Nursing honored him with the Second Century Award for Excellence in Health Care. He has also received honorary doctorate degrees from the Medical College of Pennsylvania, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, City University of New York and from the College of Optometry of the State University of New York. That same year he was appointed as Commissioner of the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured.
Professor Reinhardt has served on a number of governmental committees and commissions, including the National Council on Health Care Technology of the then U.S. Department of Health and Welfare (1972-82) and the Special Medical Advisory Group of the then Veterans Administration (1981-85). From 1986 to 1995 he served three consecutive three-year terms as a commissioner on the Physician Payment Review Commission, established by Congress to be advised on issues related to the payment of physicians.

In 1978, he was elected to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences, on whose Governing Council he served from 1979 to 1982. At the institute, he has served on a number of study panels, among them the Committee on the Implications of For-Profit Medicine. He is past president and a Distinguished Fellow of the Association of Health Services Research.

During 1987-90, Reinhardt was a member of the National Leadership Commission on Health Care. He continues to serve on that body's successor, the National Leadership Coalition on Health Care, co-chaired by former President Carter and Ford.

Currently, Professor Reinhardt is a member of the Council on the Economic Impact of Health Reform. He is also on the Board of Advisors of the National Institute of Health-Care Management, a Washington based think tank devoted to issues in managed care.

In 1997, he joined the Pew Health Professions Commission and was appointed the External Advisory Panel for Health, Nutrition and Population of The World Bank. Since then, he has served on the Board of Trustees of the Duke University Health System and chaired the Coordinating Committee of The Commonwealth Fund's International Program in Health Policy.

Reinhardt has been or is a member of numerous editorial boards, among them the Journal of Health Economics, the Milbank Memorial Bank Quarterly, Health Affairs, The New England Journal of Medicine and The Journal of the American Medical Association.

Dr. Uwe Reinhardt
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Current: Uwe Reinhardt: Hewitt Health Care

Time 27:14

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