Non-profit Founder Honored in Charity Book

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Acclaimed photographer, John Russo, recently compiled a book titled "100 Making A Difference" that focuses on 100 different people who are changing the world through philanthropy.

Among such power players as Maria Shriver, Prince Edward and the founder of Patagonia, we are thrilled to see Doc Hendley, the founder and president of Wine to Water on the list.

More About Doc Hendley

Hendley was named one of the Top 10 CNN Heroes for 2009 (chosen from over 9,000 applicants by a panel of judges including Gen. Colin Powell, Whoopi Goldberg, Ted Turner and Sir Elton John).

Today Hendley’s Wine to Water foundation aims to help the 1.1 billion people worldwide who lack access to clean water. By using wine events to raise money and awareness about the lack of clean drinking water in the developing world, Doc Hendley has harnessed a powerful social force and multiplied the generosity of many.
Doc is, in essence, turning wine to water for some of the neediest people on
the planet for three simple reasons:
1.At least one in six people worldwide lack access to adequate amounts of safe water for drinking and hygiene, according to the UN.
2.Water borne illnesses kill far more children the HIV/AIDS and Malaria combined.
3.Unclean water contributes to diarrhea, the leading cause of illness and death, and translates to 1.5 million preventable deaths each year.

For information on how to book Doc Hendley for your next event, visit

Source: 100 Making A Difference

Doc Hendley: Global Humanitarian, Founder and President of Wine To Water, Clean Water Crusader, Top 10 CNN Hero

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